

分类: 职称英语 
l         词汇例题解析:
1.    He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.
A)left              B)dismissed              C)deserted       D)advised
leave sb./离开某人
dismiss/fire sb./解雇某人;让某人走开
desert sb./遗弃某人
advise sb. to do sth./建议某人做..
2.    Investing in nothing but books over the years when he was at school, he has accumulated a library.
A)gathered              B)accused                C)purchased      D)collapsed
A. 解析:利用搭配特点解题(排除B)。
accuse sb. of sth.
collapse vi. 倒塌,失败,病倒
3.  His illness diminished his strength.
    A) lessened      B) increased        C) finished    D) recovered
A。 解析:利用句意:“疾病。。力气”,判断划线词大概是“降低,减少”这样的含义。根据构词法:(-en是“使变得更。。”)判断A的含义是“使减少”,所以是答案。
-en: to make become more../ 使变得更..
shorten/ lengthen/enlarge
recover: 恢复;收回;取回
e.g. I recovered the money I had lost. 我找回了丢失的钱。
comp: uncover(vt.揭开, 揭露)/ discover(vt.发现, 发觉)
diminish/reduce/ lessen/decease
4. Fruits such as applies and oranges are very beneficial, and may be eaten at any time.
     A) normal      B) healthy      C) appropriate D) proper
B。考点:考察派生词。解析:可以利用构词法:(beneficial --benefit)猜测画线词的大意。利用句意:“象苹果和橘子这样的水果是很..,可以任何时候吃的。” ,从而推出该画线词是褒义词。而四个备选答案都属常见词汇,其中appropriate和 proper 是近义词,都是“合适的”,因此相互排除。normal 是“正常的”,healthy是“健康的”,所以依照句义healthy(有益于健康的)是答案。
5. This pool is specially equipped for handicapped swimmers.
    A) unable      B) disabled     C) confined                D) troubled
Unable – able: be able(unable) to do sth.判断A不合适。
dis “不”,如:dissimilar/不相似的;“缺乏”,如:disinterest/不感兴趣的;disabled是“被剥夺了能力的”; “反对”,如:“disagree”;
confine: v. 限制, 禁闭
synonyms: restrict
e.g. The wild animals are confined in small cages in the zoo.野生动物关在动物园的小笼子里。
6.  It is hard for the young people to imagine what severe conditions their parents once lived under.
     A) sincere      B) hard     C) strict  D) tight
B。分析:借助句意:“年轻人很难想象他们的父辈们曾生活在怎样。。的环境下。” 备选答案都是常见词汇,其中hard是“艰苦的”,而 sincere是“诚挚的”, strict是“严格的”,tight 是“紧的”。所以从语义搭配上看,答案是hard。
severe: adj.严厉的, 严格的, 剧烈的, 严重的, 严峻的
synonyms: harsh, rough, hard, strict
7. He has a habit of scanning the morning papers while eating breakfast.
A) looked up        B) looked down     C) looked into        D) looked over
D/C. 分析:借助短语构成成分基本含义解题。
look up v.向上看, 尊敬, 仰望, 查寻
look down v.俯视
look into v. 向...的里面看, 窥视; 浏览
look over 翻阅,浏览 (over adv.结束, 越过, 从头到尾)
look back v.回顾, 倒退
go over v.(渡过...)转变, (对...进行)仔细检查, 复习
come over v.过来
8. A mother will sacrifice her life for her children.
A) devote           B) satisfy         C)    attend      D) contribute

