

分类: 职称英语 

Most of us car remember the days when we didn’t use e-mail as everyday vehicle for communication.Slowly but surely, it crept into our lives.E-mail is a valuable tool for American college students at any level.It’s available 24 hours a day,7 days a week and even at holidays.Most universities assign students an account upon entrance,so there is usually not even an option involved.
You can do everything from consulting on homework and projects,keeping in touch with classmates,corresponding with families and friends,and getting daily news services to keep you posted on world events.But what are the disadvantages?
E-mail can be e-jail.You might spend hours writing and responding to e-mails when you should devote yourself in the books for upcoming examination.Or,you might be signed up for so many daily services such as horoscopes,news services,or personals,that your mailbox is so filled up with“junk mail”,that finding the important e-mails through your mailbox might take hours.
If you are a student,time is at a premium.Create and organize your e-mail folders into important school-related mail,correspondence with friends and family,and a mixed folder for jokes,horoscopes and other news services.Always put the mail into the appropriate folders first,and when you’re finished,head for the important school-related folder first.Respond to the most important e-mails first and,if you have time,you can get to the others.
Discourage your friends from forwarding those tiresome joke lists,sex quizzes,and chain e-mail.The minute you realize you’ve got one,delete it immediately so you won’t be tempted to read it.
31.This passage is most likely to be written for________.
A.office clerks
B.college students C.school teachers
D. news editors
32.In the passage,it is implied that most American college students________.
A.have to use e-mail 7 days a week
B.contact each other only through e-mail
C.never write traditional letters
D.have at least 1 e-mail address
33.What is mainly discussed in the second paragraph?
A.How to make use of e-mail.
B.How to post your e-mail.
C.The advantages of e-mail.
D.The problems with e-mail.
34.Sometimes,you have to spend hours finding the important e-mails from your mailbox,because_________.
A.you have posted so many e-mails within a day
B.you have requested for so many daily service
C.your e-mail address may have been unavailable
D.you have to spend hours in reading each e-mail
35.The author suggests that a college student should have at least_________e-mail folders.
B.three C.four

