

分类: 大学四六级英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 




In what‘s probably开头

26-30  A)  I)  F)  J)  B)    31-35   G)  K)  M)  D)  E)

26. A) advances

27. I) otherwise

28. F) devising

29. J) predators

30. B) boundaries

31. G) elsewhere

32. K) primarily

33. M) spotted

34. D) currently

35. E) determine



标题: Resilience is about how you recharge, not how you endure

36-40 DJLAE   41-45 KIBGC



Passage One—Children with attention problems 开头

46-50  BADAD

46. B) The predictors of children’s academic success.

47. A) By attaching equal importance to all possible variables examined.

48. D) Children’s academic performance may suffer from even slight inattention.

49. A) They do better academically.

50. D) An all-round approach should be adopted in school education.


Passage Two—On Jan.9, 2007开头

51-55 CDBAB

51. C) It is not so obvious but has caused some concern.

52. D) It greatly improves research on human behavior.

53. B) It relies on lab observations and participants’ report.

54. A) By helping them pin down their unusual behaviors.

55. B) They are increasingly focused on real-life situations.



In recent years, the Chinese government has further increased the investment in the construction of stadiums. To better meet people's fast-growing fitness needs, many cities have also taken measures to transform old factories and commercial buildings to local stadiums in addition to new stadiums.

With government funding, more and more stadiums are open to the public for free, or for a small fee. Many gymnasiums have greatly improved their service by applying modern information technology. People can easily book venues and make payment online. It can be predicted that with the continuous improvement of sports facilities, more and more people will go to the gym for fitness.



How to balance academic study and extracurricular activities

Recently, the topic of the balance between academic studies and extracurricular activities has been brought to public attention. We can find many examples easily:  students’ study load makes them out of breath and leaves them no time for leisure.

     If this situation continues to worsen, young people’s physical and mental status raises the alarm. Thus, it’s urgent to strike a good balance between study and rest/personal hobbies. For one thing, too much academic work gives rise to immunity  deterioration, which causes many health problems. For another, free time/constructive pastime helps us live in a positive cycle.

     Therefore, what we should do is to find enough time to develop our hobbies by finishing the homework on time and attending some beneficial activities off school. For example, regular exercise is a recommendable extracurricular activity to get relaxed.

By doing exercises your body can produce a hormone that makes you recover from exhaustion. What’s more, you can transfer your focus from busy study by attending a reading seminar , thereby getting your intense nerves calm down.”


