

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

第6部分:完形填空 (第5卜65题,每题1分,共15分)


Preferences Vary on Circumstances of Dying

Among terminally(晚期)ill people,attitudes differ on what they think constitutes a ____(51)or bad death,the results of a new study suggest Dr.Elizabeth K Vig of the University of Washington in Seattle and colleagues interviewed 26men with____(52)heart disease or cancer The men were asked to describe good and Bad deaths,and they also answered____(53)about their preferences for dying“In this small study,terminally ill men described good and bad deaths___(54) Vig said”They did not hold the same views about such issues____(55)the presence of others at the very end of life or preferred location of death.

Many of the men considered____(56) in their sleep to be a good death.The reasons were varied and included not____(57)that death was imminent(即将发生的),and that death would be painless.

For close to half of the men,a prolonged(拖延的)death was______(58)abad death Some of the men associated a prolonged death with prolonged pain,______(59)others thought a prolonged death would be difficult for their families.

Most men said that their_____(60) were very important to them,but this did not mean that they wanted relatives close at the_____(61) of death. " Valuing family did not also___(62)wanting family present at the very end of life," Vig said.

"In fact,some expressed concerns____(63)burdening loved ones,Vig said.For instance,some men were worried about the emotional or_____(64) impact on their family members,according to the Washington researcher Some were worried____(65)their need for care would be a burden on their families,she said

51 A wrong B pure C good D whole

52 A frequent B terminal C early D light

53 A reports B opinions C questions D remarks

54 A differently B similarly C strangely D fully

55 A to B as C at D for

56 A working B dying C talking D dreaming

57 A arguing B proposing C hoping D knowing

58 A meant B presented C considered D taken

59 A where B unless C because D while

60 A families B friends C colleagues D wishes

61 A length B time C sake D hand

62 A stand B mean C help D quit

63 A round B within C about D into

64 A financial B original C social D historical

65 A SO B when C why D that

51 c 此旬的意思是,晚期病人对待死亡的态度不同,由“differ”一词可以判断空格处应选与后面“bad”一词意思相反的词。

52 B 从文章第一句话可以得知,全文谈论的是晚期病人,因此空格处应选“terminal”一词。

53 c 从前面的“answered”一词便可判断空格处应选“questions”一词。

54 A 从文章开始处的“differ”一词和接下来的“they did not hold the same views”便可判断空格处应选“differently”一词。

55 B 从前面的“such”一词可以断定空格处应选"as".词。

56 B 此句的意思是,许多受访者认为在睡眠中死去是种不错的死法。

57 D 在睡眠中死去的好处之一应是不知道死亡即将来临。

58 c 从搭配和语意两方面考虑,只有“considered"合适。

59 D此句的意思是,一些人认为……,而其他人则认为……,因此只有“while”合适。

60 A 此段主要讲的是受访者对家人的看法。

61 B 表示“死亡的时候”应用“at the time of death”。

62 B 此句的意思是,珍惜家人并非也意味着生命结束时希望有家人在身边。

63 c 表示对什么感到担心应用“concerns about something”。

64 A 一个人的病故除了给家人造成情感方面的冲击外,还会带来经济方面的影响。

65 D 空格处后面是一可由“that”一词引导的名词性从句,因此应选“that一词。

