

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

            What Should I Say to the Person Who Has Cancer?
It is normal to feel that you don't know what to say to someone who has cancer.You might only know the person casually,or you may have worked_________(51)or lived near each other for many years and have a closer relationship The most important________(52)you can do is to acknowledge the situation in some way-whatever is most comfortable for you You can show interest and concern,you can express encouragement,or you_____(53) offer support.Sometimes the simplest expressions of concern are the______(54) meaningful.
While it is good to be encouraging,it is also important_____(55)to show false optimism or to tell the person with cancer to always have a positive attitude.Doing_______(56) things may discount their fears,concerns,or sad feelings.It is also tempting to say that you know________(57)the person feels.While you may know this is a difficult time,no one can know exactly how the person with______(58)feels.
Humor can be an important way______(59)coping It is also another source of support and encouragement.Let the person with cancer______(60)the lead;it is healthy if they find something funny about a side effect,like hair loss or increased appetite,and you can certainly join_______(61)in a good laugh.This can be a great way to relieve stress and to take a break from the_______(62)serious nature of the situation.
When the person with cancer looks good,let them know!Refrain(忍住)_________(63) comments when their appearance isn't as good.such as"You're looking pale,"or"You've lost weight."Cancer and its treatment can be very unpredictable.Be prepared for good days and bad____(64)
Refrain from telling the person with cancer stories about family members or friends who have had cancer.Everyone is different,and these stories may not be helpful Instead,it is better simply to tell them you know______(65)about cancer because you've been through it with someone else.
51 A hardB togetherC oftenD once
52 AwordB thingC decisionD event
53 A shouldB needC canD must
54 AmoreB leastC lessD most
55 A notB justC howD still
56 A otherB whateverC theseD useful
57 A howB whenC whyD whether
58 A diseaseB feelingsC concernsD cancer
59 A intoB toC ofD on
60 A tumB takeC callD move
61 A himB herC themD theirs
62 AmoreB lessC someD any
63 A uponB outC towardsD from
64 A monthsB daysC timesD periods
65 A nothingB anythingC somethingD at

51 B 从空格处后面的"或生活在一起达许多年,因此关系密切"可以判断空格处应选"together~词……一一
52 B 从空格处后面的"you can do可以判断空格处应选"thing一词,因为只有"thing"能和"do"搭配。
53 C 在这个句子里,前面已两次出现"you can…",因此空格处应选"can一词。
54 D 在这个句子里,前面有一最高级形式的形容词"simplest",因此空格处也应选一个最高级形式的形容词,该词的词义还应是正面的。
55 A 空格处后面所写的事情是不应该做的事情,因此应选"not一词。
56 c 在这个句子里,"things"指的是前一句中刚刚提到的事情,因此应选"these".
57 A 表示感觉"如何",应选how,,一词。
58 D 文章涉及的是癌症病人,因此应选"cancer一词。
59 C 按搭配要求,只能选"of'一词。
60 B 表示"带头"的意思,应用"take the lead".
61 C 因为谈论的是"they",即癌症病人,因此应选"them一词。
62 A 幽默会使人暂时忘却疾病更加残酷的一面。
63 D 表示"不要做某事",应用"refrain from doing something or something".
64 B 根据空格处前面的"good days",可以判断空格处应选"days一词。
65 C 表示"了解某事",应用"know something"

