有机可乘”,汉语成语,意思是有机会可以利用,有空子可钻。可以翻译为there's an opportunity to take advantage of; there's a loophole that can be used; have a loophole to ex...
大吃一惊”,汉语成语,形容对发生的事感到十分意外。可以翻译为be startled at;be astounded at;be greatly surprised;get a shock”。例句:查尔斯看到他时大吃一惊。Charles got a shock when he ...
闭门羹”,中文俗语,意思是被摒拒在门外、被拒绝。常用来形容遭到冷遇或碰壁。可以翻译为cold shoulder,give the cold shoulder”,表示reject or be deliberately unfriendly”,也可以用slam the...
低声下气”,汉语成语,字面意思是lower one's voice and stifle one's anger”,形容说话时态度卑微恭顺的样子。可以用grovel”表示,意思是 to behave with too much respect to...
彬彬有礼”,汉语成语,原意为文质兼备的样子,后形容文雅有礼貌的样子。可以翻译为refined and courteous; behave in a refined and civil manner; well-mannered”。例句:他彬彬有礼,但实际上却是在告诉我,我不可...
轩然大波”,汉语成语,字面意思是 mountainous waves”,比喻大的纠纷或乱子,指不好的影响。可以翻译为a great disturbance; a big dispute; a crisis”等。例句:没料到芝麻大的事儿竟会引起这样一场轩然大波。Wh...
芝麻开门”的英语就是open sesame,英语释义是something that makes it very easy to achieve a particular thing”,形容(达到的)法宝,通行手段,开门咒语。用法就是搭配to,比如:Academic succe...
不遗余力”,汉语成语,意思是把所有力量都使出来,一点也不保留,形容用尽全力做事。与英文短语spare no effort”意思相近,表示do everything one possibly can in order to achieve something”。也可...
手忙脚乱”,汉语成语,字面意思是one's hands and feet were all in confusion”,形容遇事慌张、忙乱,不知如何是好。可以翻译为be thrown into confusion”或 be busy rushing fro...
走马观花”,汉语成语,意思是骑在奔跑的马上看花(look at the flowers while riding a horse)。原形容事情如意,心情愉快,现在多指粗略地观察一下,大概浏览一遍。可以翻译为glance over things hurriedly,get a passin...