蒙在鼓里”,字面意思是被包在鼓里(literally be kept in a drum);比喻受人蒙蔽,对有关的事情一点儿也不知道。可以翻译为be kept in the dark”。例句:全村都知道了,他还蒙在鼓里。The whole village knew about...
神不知鬼不觉”,中文俗语,字面意思是unknown to god or ghost”,形容事情做得很秘密,别人一点也不知道。可以翻译为without anybody being aware of,not noticed by anyone”等。例句:他们设法神不知...
木已成舟”,汉语成语,意思是指树木已经做成小舟(the wood is already made into a boat),比喻事情已成为不可改变的定局。可以翻译为what is done cannot be undone,what is done is done或water over ...
耐人寻味”,汉语成语,意思是值得让人仔细体会、琢磨。可以翻译为provide [give] much food for thought,be thought provoking或be worth pondering over”。例句:她的讲话耐人寻味。Her speech g...
迎刃而解”,汉语成语,字面意思是劈竹子,头上几节一破开,下面的就随着刀口裂开了([of a bamboo] split all the way down once it’s been chopped open)”。比喻主要问题解决了,其他有关的问题就很容易解决。可...
无微不至”,汉语成语,意思是无论如何细微,都能周全照应。形容关怀、照顾得非常周到、细致。可以翻译为with great care/meticulousness,in every possible way”,常用搭配无微不至地照料/关怀(take infinite care o...
闻风丧胆”,汉语成语,字面意思是听到一点风声,就把胆吓破了。形容对某种力量非常恐惧。可以翻译为become terror-stricken (panic-stricken) at the news,be alarmed at mere rumours”。例句:解放军大军所到之...
一针见血”,汉语成语,字面意思是一针刺下去就见到血(let blood with a single prick of the needle)”。比喻文章、说话直截了当,切中要害。可以翻译为go right to the heart of a matter,hit the na...
因人而异”,汉语成语,意思是因人的不同而有所差异。可以翻译为it differs from man to man,it varies from person to person,vary with each individual”。例句:治疗方式因人而异。Treatment ...
形影不离”,汉语成语,意思是像形体和它的影子那样分不开(follow each other like body and shadow),形容彼此关系亲密,经常在一起。可以翻译为inseparable as body and shadow,be never apart”。例句:...