炉火纯青”,汉语成语,原本指道家炼丹时,等到炉子里的火发出纯青色的火焰时就算成功”。后比喻技术、学问等达到了纯熟的地步。可以翻译为attain a high degree of perfection,reach the acme of perfection”。例句...
喜新厌旧”,汉语成语,字面意思是喜欢新的,厌弃旧的(be fond of the new and tired of the old)”。多指对爱情不专一。可以翻译为abandon the old for the new,be fickle in one’s aff...
扑朔迷离”,汉语成语,原指把兔子耳朵提起,雄兔会扑腾不停,雌兔会眯上眼睛,而在地上跑的时候雌雄难辨。后来形容事物错综复杂,不容易看清真相。可以翻译为complicated and confusing,或bewildering”等。例句:扑朔迷离的故事情节Complicated...
别开生面”,汉语成语,意思是开创新的风格面貌”,比喻开创新局面或新形式。可以翻译为open up a fresh outlook,break a new path或be an entirely new sort of”等。例句:别开生面的学术报告会Entirely...
虚有其表”,汉语成语,意思是空有好看的外表,实际上不怎么样,表示有名无实。可以翻译为appear better than it is,be good in appearance only,或look impressive but lack real worth”等。例句:他是...
在英语里, 如果什么东西是完美的,没有任何瑕疵的,那么可以用picture-perfect 来形容。例句We had a fantastic weekend at the seaside. The weather was beautiful – it was really picture...
长此以往”,汉语成语,意思是老是这样下去(多指不好的情况)”。可以翻译为if things go on like this,should such a state of affairs continues”等。例句:许多学生一有时间就泡游戏厅,长此以往怎么得了?M...
一劳永逸”,汉语成语,意思是辛苦一次,把事情办好,以后就不再费事了。可以翻译为get something done once and for all”等。例句:一劳永逸的解决办法Solution that holds good for all time自己买个印刷机,才是一劳...
岌岌可危”,汉语成语,意思是非常危险,快要倾覆或灭亡。可以翻译为in imminent/impending danger, in a precarious situation”等。与英文习语on the rocks”意思相近,表示(of a relationshi...
握手言欢”,汉语成语,意思是握手谈笑(hold hands and chat cheerfully),多形容发生不和,以后又和好。可以翻译为make up and be friends again,shake hands and make up a quarrel”等。例句:...