三顾茅庐”,汉语成语,字面意思是pay three visits to the thatched cottage”,原为刘备拜访诸葛亮的故事。后人用三顾茅庐”来比喻诚心实意地一再邀请。可以翻译为invite someone with complete sincer...
当某人或某事 stares you in the face 的时候,这个形容比喻什么事情很明显,就在眼前。例句The detective realised soon that he had been staring the solution to the crime in the face all ...
当你做事情碰到困难但仍然顽强地坚持下去,这样的态度就可以被形容为 to soldier on.例句He picked up a nasty injury but had to soldier on till the end of the football match because the coac...
在我们为某事感到惊呆时可以用 jaw-dropping 来形容,类似汉语里的瞠目结舌。例句Norway's Lofoten islands are famous for their jaw-dropping views of the Midnight Sun and Northern Lig...
神出鬼没”,汉语成语,像神鬼那样出没无常。原指用兵灵活机动,今多比喻行动变化迅速,出没无常,不可捉摸。可以翻译为come and go like a shadow,appear and disappear mysteriously”等。例句:游击队神出鬼没,搞得敌人晕头转向。...
偷工减料”,汉语成语,意思是暗中掺假或削减工序和用料(cheat on labour and materials)”,也比喻做事敷衍了事,贪图省力。与英文习语jerry-built”意思相近,表示badly or hastily built with materi...
成语 to make a meal out of something 的意思是小题大做,故意夸大事情的状况。也常被用于形容某人故意夸大事情的难度,或者故意让事情变得更加复杂。例句One thing I hate about football is the way the players always...
泡菜 pickles 有时候真的是特别的酸, 也不是一个人人都能接受的口味。这个词出现在短语 to be in a pickle 中的时候,意思是碰到了麻烦。不过一般用来形容不方便的情况,而不是指真正很严重的问题。例句I'm in a bit of a pickle. I invited t...
炸鱼条可是一道受欢迎的家常菜。不过当我们听到某人说他有更大的鱼需要炸的时候 I have bigger fish to fry,这和下厨房一点关系都没有,实际上他的意思是说他有更要紧的事情需要处理。例句I know you're upset that we're not going ...
面包在世界上很多国家算主食供人们享用。当切片面包被推向市场时,厂商把这一产品作为一个伟大的成就呈现给消费者们。如今,the best thing since sliced bread 自切片面包以来最好的发明”这个表达常被用于介绍可以提高我们生活水平的新发明和新装置。而实际上,这些新设备...