众志成城”,汉语成语,意思是大家同心协力,就会像城墙一样坚固(united, we’ll be as solid as a fortress)。比喻大家团结一致,就能形成巨大力量,克服一切困难(With concerted effort, people collectivel...
好自为之”,意思是自己妥善处置,自己看着办,大多数时候用于劝诫、警告他人。可以翻译为look out for oneself”,behave yourself”。也可以用It's your funeral”表示,指you think someo...
万无一失”,汉语成语,比喻十分稳妥,绝对不会出差错。可以翻译为guarantee complete success; no risk at all; nothing will go wrong; perfectly safe”等。例句:由他掌舵,通过这段激流险滩是万无一失的。...
置若罔闻”,汉语成语,意思是放在一边,好像没有听见似的。指不去过问、不理睬(ignore completely,pay no attention to)。与英文习语turn a deaf ear”意思相近,表示to ignore someone when they compl...
大开眼界”,汉语成语,意思是指开阔视野,增长知识。可以翻译为greatly widen one's horizon,open someone's eyes或broaden one's mind”。例句:这场演出真叫人大开眼界。The performan...
短语 as clear as a bell” 或 clear as bell” 用来指 某物或人发出的声音清晰、洪亮”。它由形容词 clear(声音清晰的)”、副词 as(像一样)” 和 a bell(一个铃铛)” 组成,表示 ...
一心一意”,汉语成语,意思是形容做事专心一意,一门心思地只做一件事。可以翻译为give one's whole mind to, with one's whole heart and soul或put one's whole heart into”等。...
走马观花”,汉语成语,意思是骑在奔跑的马上看花(look at the flowers while riding a horse)。原形容事情如意,心情愉快,现在多指粗略地观察一下,大概浏览一遍。可以翻译为glance over things hurriedly,get a passin...
手忙脚乱”,汉语成语,字面意思是one's hands and feet were all in confusion”,形容遇事慌张、忙乱,不知如何是好。可以翻译为be thrown into confusion”或 be busy rushing fro...
不遗余力”,汉语成语,意思是把所有力量都使出来,一点也不保留,形容用尽全力做事。与英文短语spare no effort”意思相近,表示do everything one possibly can in order to achieve something”。也可...