If both Brad and Ralf can be lured to our company as CEO and CFO, they’re no longer just gin and vermouth; they are a martini, the perfect combination...
如果你去外国想喝点白酒,你会怎么说?I'd like a little bit of white wine.一字一字翻译过来:我想要一点白酒。好像没什么问题,然后你就会发现服务员给你拿来了白葡萄酒……其实正确的说话应该是I'd like a little bit of liquor....
台风安比来袭,一大波地区进入大雨模式,说起大雨,不少人第一反应就是big rain,但其实这样的说法很不地道。虽然汉语中的“大”可以修饰很多名词,如“大风”、“大浪”、“湿气大”等,但在英语里却不能一一对应。如果大雨说成big rain,很容易被人误会成是雨点大,而不是雨势大。英美人形容雨大习惯用“...
刷手机、看剧、打游戏……很多人的个人生活都是从晚间开始,大家睡得越来越晚,在夜猫子的路上越走越远。这并不是国内独有的现象,国外也有很多夜猫族,如果让你用英文说“夜猫子”这个词,你的第一反应是什么?英大见过很多人用night cat的表达,虽然很“急中生智”,但这个表达并不准确。准确说,夜猫子应该用n...
This is absolutely insane! These wild chicks think the least they can get is within screaming distance for the runner-up. Actually they’ve never seen ...
Philip's ties to the Bush family run deep. Still he has to do his share of cajoling and tying up some loose ends with the insiders of the Beltway....
It came as a surprise to all the girls in the Shanghai office that Mark, the new IT guy from New York, had a crush on his Chinese teacher.上海分公司的白领小姐们都...
Honey, can you please give me a hand in the DIY? I’m tallying up your brownie points, how’s that? Ha, haha!亲爱的,请过来帮我一把“自己动手”的活儿,我会给你记上一功呢!哈哈!字里行间brown...