端午节(Dragon Boat Festival),为每年农历五月初五,起源于中国,是古代吴越地区崇拜龙图腾的部族举行图腾祭祀的节日。在端午节那天,有以龙舟竞渡形式举行部落图腾祭祀的习俗之说。说到端午节,很多人第一时间就会想到诗人屈原。战国时期的楚国诗人屈原在该日抱石跳汨罗江自尽,统治者为树立忠君爱...
The group began with the random teaming of Thor, Iron Man, Ant-Man, Wasp and Hulk, who joined forces to thwart the Asgardian menace Loki in response t...
Ivanka Trump may want to double check her sources the next time she tweets, after a message about a ‘Chinese proverb’ led to a frantic - and unsuccess...
Prince George was pictured playing alongside Princess Charlotte and The Duchess of Cambridge yesterday, but not everyone was happy about the four-year...
Angelina Jolie is being asked to give estranged husband Brad Pitt more access to their kids amid the duo's ongoing divorce negotiations.安吉莉娜茱莉和布拉德...
Facebook has admitted a bug made private posts visible to the whole internet.脸书公司承认其平台有漏洞使全网可以看到用户未公开的帖子。Last week, it was revealed that a glitch in F...
很多时候,英语学习者不愿意开口不仅仅是因为语音,更担心的是怕无话可聊,说了上句没下句,一不小心就成了冷场王。今天,英语君就为大家准备了一些用于开启聊天话题的small talk, 让你在空气突然安静时稍微舒一口气。首先,咱们从5W要素来了解一下small talks:WHO makes small ...
Is it okay to love someone knowing you can't be with them?你明知道无法和他/她在一起,却还是去爱他/她,这样好吗? 获得4.5k好评的答案@Gene SpaffordOf course you can love someone wit...
数字跟我们的生活联系密切,我们在方方面面都会运用到它,英语上的数字学习当然也不只是1至10的单词学习。今天我们就来学习生活中的数字英语。1. $50Fifty dollars 50美元货币符号我们最熟悉的莫过于人民币以及美元。其实我们还可以了解一些其他国家的货币单位,如:C$50 Fifty Can...
On Sunday afternoon, Kate Middleton wore a $69.90 blue summer dress from budget retailer Zara. By Sunday evening, the dress was sold out.周日下午,凯特穿着一件平价...