1. I will send you some brochures, if you are interested. 如果您有兴趣的话,我可以寄给您一些介绍产品的小册子。2. Can you suggest an alternative﹖能否告知您其他方便时间?3. As an alternative...
一、 如何提出问题1. I was wondering if you could help me. I'd like to know…2. I wonder if you could tell me…3. This may sound like a dumb question, but I&...
恭喜1. Congratulations! I’m sure you two will make a nice couple. 祝你们佳偶天成。 2. I heard you’re getting married. Congratulations! 我听说你们要结婚了,恭喜阿! 3. Congrat...
A face as imperturbable as fate脸上坚毅沉着,仿佛相信命中早已注定A face as paleaswax脸色蜡黄A face tempered like steel面色像钢板一样有韧性,不宜动怒(注:temperedsteel回火钢)A grim face like a...
人是铁饭是钢,不吃一顿饿得慌。 在北京还真看到过“饭是钢”的餐厅,可见吃饭的重要性。中国人早就有这种说法,尽管“民以食为天”是旧的习俗,但是传统意义上的吃饭已经衍生为现代重要的交流与沟通的方式,它与你我的生活已经密不可分。人与人之间的交流、生意人之间的谈判、同事之间的沟通、亲人之间的亲密等等,但请...
第一讲 Words & Idioms Lesson Onegive me a handfoot the billblow outlock, stock and barrelhook, line and sinker每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。而学习外语的人经常在理解这些习惯用语时会感到...
2 字篇 1. 活该! serves you(him,her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.) e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying! 2. 活该! you had ...
I''d like to introduce you to the new members of the project group. (我想要给你介绍项目组的新成员。) 如果无法成行,被邀请人应委婉地向对方回绝 : I''m sorry, but I have an...
A: Manhattan Square, please.B: All right, sir. When are you supposed to be there?A: I'd like to go around the city, if you don't mind. - 请到曼哈顿...
这是多少钱? How much does this cost? 我喜欢这个。 I like this. 我要买这个。 I would like to take this one. 有没有别的颜色? Do you have any other colors? 我可以试穿这个吗? May I try t...