"I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation and the only explanation I can find Is the love that I've found"传说,陷入爱河的人们...
Get a life is an American English idiom usually intended as a taunt. The phrase generally instructs its addressee to go out and make their way in the ...
为...操心It means to be ery worried or upset by sth.eg:I know I'm going to get gray hair from his driving.Note:Get gray hair from的意思是为什么事情操心,把头发愁白了例:...
自由,是人人都想要的。可是,单身意义上的自由呢?就不好说了。俚语to be footloose and fancy-free”就是指单身、自由,没有生活的羁绊”。16世纪,fancy”是love (爱情)”的意思,那么,fancy-free&rdquo...
chips are down”就是事态紧急、形势严峻”的意思。呵呵,是不是有点儿摸不着头脑?Chips are down:薯条生意不景,所以事态严重?别!千万别这样信马由缰瞎猜!这里,chips可不是英国人口中的炸薯条”。 Chips are down&rdquo...
看看这个短语:forty winks”。就是打盹儿、小憩一会儿”的意思。你可千万不要就词论词,把它理解成眨四十次眼睛”,那眼睛一定会累得说我要打个盹儿再眨” Forty winks”最早出现在著名幽默杂志《Punch》1872年的某一期上。...
Ad nauseam 令人作呕地Ad nauseam means to repeat something to a disgusting or ridiculous degree.eg: She talks ad nauseam about how brilliant her children ar...
Add fuel to the fire 火上浇油Also, add fuel to the flames. Worsen an already bad situation, as by increasing anger, hostility, or passion.This metaphor da...
仔细想来,我们每天好像都会听到类似不着边的胡言乱语”,比如,布什就喜欢讲伊拉克战争是正义之战”、要把伊拉克变成一个民主的国家”之类的鬼话。很凑巧,俚语famous last words”(讥讽别人无知时常用语鬼话、一派胡言”)最初就是讽刺某...
clay of feet”就是指一个人性格中的缺陷和弱点”。说起clay of feet”,不得不讲讲这个有名的圣经故事。《旧约·但以理书》第2章中讲到,巴比伦国王梦见了一尊巨大的雕像。这个雕像的头是用金子做的、胸膛和膀臂是银的,肚腹和腰是铜的,腿是...