Crippling 1 health care bills, long emergency-room 2 waits and the inability to find a primary care physician [just] scratch 3 the surface 4 (of the problems) (that patients face [daily].)
注:1. crippling adj. 严重损害身体的;有严重后果的。
短语:a crippling disease 严重损害健康的疾病;
crippling debts 使经济瘫痪的债务。例:
Our survival is at stake as we face crippling losses which look set to continue well into the year.
[选自:BBC:NEWS | UK | Save our bacon, urge pig farmes]
v. cripple的现在分词,使残疾,使跛
2. emergency-room急症室
He is in the emergency-room.
3. scratch v. 抓,骚,趴。作为动词它有抓,划伤,擦破生计,取消等意思,如短语:scratch sb./sth./from sth. 取消,撤销;scratch the surface of sth. 作肤浅的探讨,浅尝辄止;作为名词有划痕划伤,抓、挠、刮的刺耳声。例
Now, I scratch my head as to why this double standard has proven true.
[选自:FORBES: The Tea Party Never Got Pepper Sprayed]
n. 抓,骚,抓痕;起跑线
have a scratch 瘙痒
from scratch 从头做起,白手起家。不是从头部开始。例:
Why don’t start from scratch?
4. surface n.表面,表层,文中此意。on the surface:表面上,从外表看;
vi. 升到水面,浮出水面;
vt. 使浮出水面;使成平面。例:
On the surface, a repo agreement seems like a wise way for a firm to borrow.
[选自:NPR: Corzine Steps Down At Collapsed Firm , Hires Lawyer]
Primary care should be the backbone 1 (of any health care system). Countries (with appropriate 2 primary care resources) score 3 [highly] [when it comes to health outcomes and cost.] The U.S. takes the opposite approach [by emphasizing 4 the specialist] [rather than the primary care physician].
注:1. backbone n. 支柱(文中此意);主干网;决心,毅力;脊椎;例:
Hundreds of thousands of foreign workers, once the backbone of the economy, have fled.
[选自: NPR: In Libya's Once Gilded Economy, A Pause]
2. appropriate adj. (to)适当的,恰如其分的。例:
He added in a world where much communication happened online, their direct action was appropriate.
[选自:BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Bishop of Blackburn backs St Paul's Cathedral protests]
【派】appropriateness (n.适当);inappropriate(adj.不适当的)
3. score v. 得分。平时习惯了该词以名词的身份出现,注意这里作动词。例:
On that day he didn’t score, but that doesn't mean he is suddenly a bad player.
[选自: BBC:SPORT | WORLD CUP | England | England's 'world class' captain]
4. emphasize vt.强调,着重。例:
Most of the new mobile wallet services from PayPal rivals emphasize flexibility in a different way.
[选自:FORBES: PayPal's Coolest Mobile Wallet Feature: The Oops Button]
A recent study analyzed the providers (who treat Medicare beneficiaries.) The startling 1 finding was that the average Medicare patient saw a total of seven doctors – ^two primary care physicians 2 and five specialists 3^ – [in a given year]. [Contrary to 4 popular belief], the more physicians taking care of you don’t guarantee 5better care. [Actually], increasing fragmentation 6 of care results in a corresponding 7 rise [in cost and medical errors].
注:1. startling adj. 惊人的,让人震惊的;极鲜亮的。
短语:a startling contrast 惊人的对比;startling blue eyes 蓝盈盈的眼睛。例:
What may be more startling, however, is this: Their parents are helping to sign them up.
[选自:CNN: Parents help kids lie to get on Facebook, study finds]
2. physician n. 内科医生。例:
I was an attending physician.
Surgeon 外科医生
dentist 牙科医生
pediatrician 儿科医生
gynecologist 妇科医生
3. specialist n. 专家。例:
Dr John Moore-Gillon is a TB specialist and honorary medical advisor for the British Lung Foundation.
[选自: BBC: News | Health editor | TB smoking toll 'could reach 40m' ]
4. contrary to 和…相反,违反。例:
Contrary to the beliefs held by many professional economists spending does not make an economy grow.
[选自: FORBES: | INVESTING | What Obama should Really Do To Spur Job Growth]
5. guarantee n. 保证,保证书。例:
Advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products and services you buy.
vt. 保证,担保。文中此意,例:
I still cannot guarantee you that I must be there on time.
6. fragmentation n. 分裂,破裂。例:
In the coming years, it is going to be vital that we avoid fragmentation and maintain a single interoperable internet.
[选自: BBC NEWS | Technology | The Tech Lab: Paul Twomey]
7. corresponding adj. 符合的,相应的,对应的。例:
When you ask “where are the corresponding companies for Skype and Google in the mobile world?”
[选自: BBC: NEWS | Technology | Talk moves on at mobile congress]
How did we let primary care slip 1 [so far]? The key is [how] doctors are paid. Most physicians are paid [whenever they perform 2 a medical service.] [The more] a physician does, ^regardless of 3 quality or outcome^, [the better he’s reimbursed.] [Moreover], the amount (a physician receives) leans 4 [heavily] [toward medical or surgical procedures]. A specialist (who performs a procedure [in a 30-minute visit]) can be paid three times [more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patient’s disease]. Combine this fact [with 5 annual government threats] [to indiscriminately 6 cut reimbursements 7], physicians are faced [with no choice but to increase quantity to boost 8 income].
我们怎么会使基本医疗下滑得如此之多呢?关键是医生的报酬如何确立。大部分的医生都是出诊一次得到一份报酬。 医生看的病越多,不管疗效如何,政府支付给他的报酬越高。此外,医生的收入在很大程度上受到如何用药或手术的影响。一名专科医生耗时30分钟诊病,其收入要比一名普科医生花同样多的时间问诊的收入高3倍。结合这一事实,在政府将不加区分地减少返还给医生报酬这一压迫之下,普科医生别无选择,只好增加诊病数量来增收了。
注:1. slip vi. 滑,滑到,滑落;溜走。文中此意,例:
The RBI expects inflation to begin easing from December and slip to 7% by March.
[选自: WSJ: India Factory Output Growth Slows to Two-Year Low]
n. 疏忽,小错,口误,笔误;纸片。例:
Your slip is showing.
Marry wrote down her address on a slip.
2. perform v. 履行,执行,做;演出,表演。例:
The doctor performed the operation successful.
The boy performed a play.
【派】performance n.表演,演出;履行;性能
3.regardless of 不管。例:
Individuals can and should make their own legal decisions regardless of who their employer is.
[选自: WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing]
regardless adj.不留心的,不注意的
a regardless result 毫不在意后果
4. lean vt. 依赖; 使斜靠,倚;使变瘦
vt.& vi. (使)倾斜,屈身
adj. 瘦的;贫瘠的;简洁的;精干的
n. 瘦肉;倾向;倾斜;倾斜度
vi. 倾向于(某种观点、意见或态度等)(与to 或 toward连用),文中此意。
lean towards 朝…倾斜,倾向,偏向
lean backwards 向后倾
lean down to 屈身…
lean forwards 向前倾
lean against 靠在…上
lean on [upon] 倚,靠在…上,依靠
lean to 倾向,偏向
5. combine with 与…结合。例:
We must learn to combine theory with practice.
6. indiscriminately adv. 任意地,无差别;不分青红皂白地。例:
The gunman ran off down Dib Lane, past a row of shops, shooting indiscriminately as he went.
[选自: BBC NEWS | UK | England |Force 'shocked' at fatal shooting]
7.reimbursement n.偿还,补偿,赔偿。例:
The changes in reimbursement also shifted substantial workforce to primary care for a time.
[选自: FORBES: The Best- And Worst-Paying Jobs For Doctors]
It can take up to five months before reimbursements are paid.
8.boost vt. 鼓励,促进;替...做广告,宣扬。文中此意,例:
Investors want the Italian government to quickly pass measures to boost growth and cut debt.
[选自: NPR: Asia Stocks Up As Greece Looks Set To Get Bailout]
He wants the government to take action to boost the economy.
Will this boost our ratings?
n. 增加,帮助。例:
The words of our president was a boost to our spirits.
Primary care physicians (who refuse to compromise 1 quality) are [either] driven out of 2 business or to cash-only practices, [further contributing to the decline of primary care].
注:1. compromise vt. 妥协,折中。文中此意。
compromise to sb. 向某人妥协。例:
However, despite agreeing to stop fighting, neither side seems ready to compromise on the key issues.
[选自: BBC NEWS | Africa | Nigeria snubs Ivory Coast force]
n. 妥协,折中
短语:reach a compromise over sth. 就某事达成妥协;例:
Let’s try to reach a compromise over the current situation.
2. driven out of v. 驶出;将...驱逐出。例:
Let’s drive out of the big city.
He has driven out the inhabitants of this land.
Medical students are not blind to this scenario 1. They see how [heavily] the reimbursement deck is stacked against 2 primary care]. The recent numbers show that [since 1997], (newly graduated U.S. medical) students (who choose primary care ) have declined 3 [by 50%]. This trend results in 4 emergency rooms [being overwhelmed with 5 patients without regular doctors].
注:1. scenario n. (行动的)方案;剧情概要。例:
The programme assumes 1.25% growth in economic output, or GDP, for 2002 as a base scenario.
[选自: BBC NEWS | BUSINESS | Eurozone chiefs 'mull Germany's plight']
2. stack against 使不利于;靠在...上堆放。例:
There are too many factors stacking against me.
to stack against the tree靠树堆放
3. decline vi. 下倾,下降,下垂。文中此意。例:
Europe is China’s biggest export market, meaning the euro’s decline has made Chinese exports less competitive.
[选自: BBC: NEWS | BUSINESS | Chinese yuan flexibility comments buoy markets]
vt. 拒绝,谢绝。例:
The film director declined to comment it.
on the decline 在衰退中
in decline 下降
4.results in v.引起,导致,以...为结局;落得;致使。例:
Too much warfarin can cause dangerous internal bleeding, and too little can result in strokes.
[选自: MSN: FDA clears blood thinner for irregular heart beat]
Failure will result in frustration.
5.be overwhelmed with 被覆盖,应付不来。例:
This small clinic could soon be overwhelmed with patients.
这个小诊所可能很快就会人满为患 。
[选自: BBC: NEWS | world | Latin America | Cite Soleil clinic fronts Haiti's fight against cholera]
overwhelm vt. 压倒,制服。例:
The robber was overwhelmed by the police.
How do we fix this problem?
It starts [with reforming 1 the physician reimbursement system]. Remove the pressure [for primary care physicians to squeeze in more patients] [per hour], and reward them [for optimally 2 managing their diseases and practicing evidence-based 3 medicine]. Make primary care [to medical students] [by forgiving student loans 5 for those (who choose primary care ) and reconciling 6 the marked difference (between specialist and primary care physician salaries)].
注:1. reform vt 改革,改进,改良;例:
No approach to reforming Medicare will be perfect or painless for everyone under all circumstances.
[选自: FORBES: The Two Approaches to Medicare Reform: Rationing vs. Individual Choice]
2.optimally adv. 最佳;最适宜。例:
Dell is on the same track, attempting to build a supermarket for CIOs to create an optimally outsourced IT portfolio.
[选自:FORBES:| Most Popular | Transforming CIOs from Benevolent Dictators to Product Managers]
To function optimally, our brains need to maintain this level of fat.
3. evidence-based adj. 基于证据的,循证的
evidence-based surgery 循证外科学
evidence-based nursing 循证护理
evidence-based diagnosis 循证诊断。例:
Traditional Chinese medicine is not scientific, as it is not evidence-based and it cannot conform to the principle of falsification.
4. attractive adj. 有吸引力的,引起兴趣的人;动人的。例:
Everyone says Bill is an attractive guy.
5. loan n. [常pl.]贷款;暂借的东西。,文中此意。例:
Eurozone officials are withholding the next loan installment until Athens formally approves the rescue package.
[选自: NPR: Greece, Italy Turn To Experts For Way Out Of Debt]
短语:approve a loan 批准贷款
on loan 暂借的(地)。例:
The bicycle is a loan from my friend.
vt. 借出。例:
If you want, I could loan you some money.
6. reconcile vt. 使和好,调解,使调和;使一致。例:
The girl didn’t want to be reconciled with her former boyfriend.
短语:reconcile to 顺从,服从。例:
The fundamental dilemma: how do we reconcile liberty with security in this new world?
[选自: BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: Tony Blair's speech]
A mediator reconciled the differences between the two sides.
We’re at a point (where primary care is needed [more than ever].) [Within a few years], the first wave (of the 76 million Baby Boomers) will become eligible 1 [for Medicare]. Patients older than 85, (who need chronic 2 care [most],) will rise [by 50%] [this decade].
注:1. eligible adj. 有条件的被选中的,有恰当资格的,合格的。例:
The judge said he should serve at least 32 years before being eligible for parole.
[选自: BBC: NEWS | Scotland | Glasgow & West | Police apologise over murders of Diane and Holly Fallon]2.chronic adj. (疾病)慢性的;积习难改的;严重的。例:
They can be blind, deaf, or mentally retarded, or suffer with chronic lung disease.
[选自:The New Yorker| Medical Dispatch | A Child in Time]
The chronic illness generates a large part of healthcare costs.
George was described by his teacher as a chronic underachiever.
Pollution is the chronic problem of the country.
Who will be [there] [to treat them]?