

分类: 英语口语 





There is nothing (like the suggestion) (of a cancer risk) [to scare 1a parent], [especially one of the over-educated, eco-conscious type]. [So] you can imagine the reaction [when a recent USA Today investigation 2 (of air quality around the nation’s schools) singled out 3 those [in the smugly green village of Berkeley, Calif.],] [as being among the worst in the country]. The city’s public high school, as well as a number of daycare centers, preschools, elementary 4 and middle schools, fell in 5 the lowest 10%. Industrial 6 pollution [in our town] had [supposedly] turned students [into living science experiments] [breathing in a laboratory’s 7 worth of heavy metals] {like manganese 8, chromium 9 and nickel 10} [each day]. This [in a city] (that requires school cafeterias 11 to serve organic meals.) Great, I thought, organic 12 lunch, toxic 13 campus. 14


注:1. scare n. 惊恐,恐慌。例:

Beef sales slumped after Europe’s BSE scare.



Scare sb. stiff 把某人吓得僵住,也就是常说的“惊呆了”。例:

Researchers say their aim isn’t to scare or stop women from taking hormonal contraceptives.


[选自: WSJ: The Tricky Chemistry of Attraction]

2. investigation n. 调查,调查研究

相关词汇:investigate vt. 调查,研究。例:

Institute of Medicine to launch a full investigation and identify steps to prevent further abuses.


[选自: MSN: U.S. apologizes for Guatemala STD experiments]

3. single out v. 挑选,挑出。例:

The study didn’t single out specific storms but examined worst-of-each-year events all over the Northern Hemisphere.


[选自: MSN: Extreme weather, warming link is strong, studies say]

4. elementary adj. 初等的;基本的。

短语:the elementary laws of economics 基本经济法则;an elementary English course 基本英语课程;例:

Beijing is not the only Chinese city experimenting with the sex education in elementary schools.


[选自: CNN: Sex education causes stir in Chinese elementary schools]

elementary school 小学

5. fell in v. 跌,下降。fell为fall的过去式。

fall in love with sb. 爱上某人;例:

Peter fell in the river and caught a cold.


6. industrial adj. 工业的,产业的。

短语:industrial safety  工业安全;The industrial revolution  工业革命;例:

The Dow Jones industrial average is up more than 38 percent since Obama took office.


[选自: MSN: Obama wants a detente with business leaders]

7. laboratory n. 实验室,研究室。例:

This product contains saccharin, which has been determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals.


[选自: CNN: There may be sweet news for saccharin]

8. manganese n. 锰

9. chromium n. 铬

10. nickel n. 镍

11. cafeterias n.餐厅。(cafeteria的复数);例:

Green-Jackson also successfully campaigned to have schools provide healthier options in their cafeterias and vending machines.


[选自: CNN: Tragedy inspires Georgia woman to fight childhood obesity]

12. organic adj.有机的,不使用化肥的,绿色的;

常用短语:organic vegetables/cheese/wine  有机蔬菜/奶酪/酒;例:

The participants also thought the organic cookies could be eaten more often than the non-organic counterparts.


[选自: MSN: Organic labels may trick dieters into overeating]

13. toxic adj.有毒的,引起中毒的;

短语:to dispose of toxic waste 处理有毒废料;例:

In Thomas’s case, though baby powder isn't toxic, it can damage the lungs if it’s inhaled.


[选自: CNN: Safety mistakes even good moms make]

14. 后面两个词语表并列对比,并非完整的句子。而句首的great很明显是表讽刺揶揄,俗称说反话。

[Since December], [when the report came out,] the mayor, neighborhood activists and various parent-teacher associations 1 have engaged in a fierce 2 battle [over its validity 3]: [over the guilt of the steel-casting factory on the western edge of town, over union jobs versus  4children’s health and over what, ^if anything^, ought to be done].   [With all sides presenting their own experts] [armed with conflicting scientific studies], whom should parents believe? Is there [truly] a threat (here), we asked one another [as we dropped off 5 our kids,] and [if so,] how great is it? And how does it compare with the other, [seemingly 6 perpetual 7 health scares (we confront 8],) [like panic over lead in synthetic athletic fields]? [Rather than just another weird episode 9 in the town (that brought you protesting environmentalists],) this latest drama is a trial 10 [for how today’s parents perceive 11 risk, how we try to keep our kids safe] – ^whether it’s possible to keep them safe^ – [in what feels like an increasingly threatening world]. It raises the question (of what, ^in our time^, “safe” could [even] mean) 12.


注:1. association n. 协会,团体;联合,联系;联想

parent-teacher associations  家长-教师联合会

research association  研究协会

an alumni association  校友会。例:

Skiers can delve further into ski history at the International Skiing History Association website.


[选自: BBC: Travelwise: Where did skiing come from?]

2. fierce adj. 凶猛的,残忍的;狂热的,激烈的。文中意为猛烈的。例:

Responsibility for the train fire has been the subject of fierce debate between Hindus and Muslims.


[选自: BBC: India court jails 31 for life over 2002 Gujarat riots]

3. validity n. 有效性,合理性。例:

Such challenges would likely focus on the validity of Kodak’s patents, said Ms Bould.


[选自: BBC: NEWS: Kodak billboard]


valid adj. 有效的;合理的,有根据的

validate vt. 使有效;使合理

invalid adj. 无用的;作废的

invalidly n. 无效力

invalidate vt. 使无效

4. versus prep. 与...相对,与...相比(文中此意);以...为对手,对。例:

The story – a tale of good versus evil, laced with magic – is epic.


[选自: NPR: 'Lord of the Rings' Takes the Stage]

5. drop off v. 下车(文中此意);离开;逐渐减少;睡着。例:

He arrived at the casino around 11 p.m. on Friday to drop off passengers, sources told NBC New York.


[选自: MSN: Driver in deadly bus crash has criminal record]

6. seemingly adv. 表面上,看上去。例:

Microsoft isn’t the only company that has seemingly attempted to capitalize on the star’s death.


[选自: CNN: Microsoft apologizes for 'crass' Amy Winehouse tweet]

7. perpetual adj. 永久的,永恒的,长期的(文中此意)。例:

Tata Power's plan would follow a recent 15 billion-rupee perpetual bond sale in India by Tata Steel Ltd.


[选自: WSJ: Tata Power Sells First Hybrid Dollar Bond]

Life was a perpetual struggle against poverty.


8. confront vt. 使面临,使遭遇;面对(危险等)(文中此意)。例:

If you’re going to confront the drug issue, you’ve got to focus on kids.


[选自: CNN: AllPolitics - FDCH Transcript: Clinton Decries 'Heroin Chic']


9. episode n. 片段,(连续剧的)一集。例:

At 16, my first episode hit me hard enough to think I'd literally gone to hell.


[选自: NPR: hear the latest news]

10. trial n.审讯;实验,考验(文中此意)。例:

Local man Billy Dunlop was charged with her murder, but acquitted after a trial.


[选自: BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Tees | Mother's justice plea to Lords]

11. perceive vt. 察觉(文中此意),感知;理解,领悟。例:

These images flip back and forth faster than the human eye can perceive.


[选自:  MSN: Seeing Triple: 3 Types of 3-D Glasses]

【派】perceivable adj. 可察觉的,可知觉的 perception n. 感知,感觉

12. of所接部分为定语,修饰question,但值得留意的是,该定语中包含了一个句子,也就一并分析了出来。

 “Theres no way (around the uncertainty),” says Kimberly Thompson, {president of Kid Risk}, {a nonprofit group} (that studies children’s health.) “That means your choices can matter, but it [also] means you aren’t going to know if they do.” A 2004 report (in the journal Pediatrics) explained that (nervous) parents have [more] to fear [from fire, car accidents and drowning] [than from toxic chemical exposure 1]. [To which] I say: ^Well^, obviously. But such concrete 2hazards are beside the point 3. It’s the dangers parents can’t – ^and may never^ – quantify that occur [all of sudden 4]. That’s why I’ve rid 5 my cupboard (of microwave food) (packed in bags) [coated with 6 a potential cancer-causing substance 7], but [although I’ve lived blocks [from a major fault line] [for more than 12 years],] I [still] haven’t bolted 8 our bookcases [to the living room wall].

“没有办法解决不确定的问题,”儿童风险主席Kimberly Thompson说,“这意味着,你的选择可能会起影响作用,但这也意味着你无法了解你的选择是否在起作用。” 2004年发表在学术期刊《儿科学》杂志上的一篇报告解释说,紧张的家长更应该担心的是火灾、车祸和溺水,而不是有毒化学物质。对此我认为:当然,是这样。但是这些具体的危险并非关键所在。关键是那些家长不能——可能永远也不能——确定会突然发生的危险。这正是为什么尽管12年来我一直生活在位于地质断层的街区里,我仍然没有把书柜固定在卧室墙上,却要把橱柜里用涂有潜在致癌物的袋子包装着的微波炉食品扔掉。

注:1. exposure n. 暴露,揭露;(to)受到。例:

The Food and Drug Administration has said that low-level BPA exposure appears to be safe.


[选自: NPR: BPA In Pregnant Women Might Affect Kids' Behavior]

2. concrete adj. 具体的,有形的,实质性的。文中此意。例:

Now the people of the eight SAARC countries will be waiting for the concrete actions.


[选自: BBC: South Asian nations seek closer links]

n. 混凝土

reinforced concrete 钢筋水泥。例:

Many of the building in Beijing are concrete skeletons.


vt. 用混凝土修筑,浇混凝土。例:

Those builders concrete the building in the burning sun.


3. beside the point adj. 离题的,无关紧要的。例:

Whether he is a hero or a fool is beside the point.


4. all of sudden 突然

【同】all at once。例:

The way they kiss you and all of sudden everything is right in the world.


本句it is that看似是强调句,但实际上不是,强调句型可以将it is that剔除而不影响句子结构与意思,而在这里,去掉之后句子显得不通顺,因为that在句子中做主语,而不是宾语从句的标识。

5. rid vt. 使摆脱,解除,免除

get rid of 摆脱;甩掉;赶走

rid of 使...去掉;使...去除;使...摆脱。例:

He’s desperate to be rid of Sofronia and promptly agrees to annul his own marriage.


[选自: NPR: Deceptive Seduction: Donizetti's 'Don Pasquale']

You seem in rather a hurry to get rid of me.


6. be coated with 用…包上;表面镀…。例:

Pandas enjoy playing on the floor, dust will inevitably be coated with mud.


7. substance n. 物质(文中此意),实质;大意;财产,财物。例:

The most officials can do, some say, is to classify it a dangerous substance.


[选自: CNN: Ecstasy is buzz word in Jakarta's night life]

Glass is a remarkable substance made from the simplest raw materials.


a chemical substance 化学物质

the substance of a speech 讲话的要旨。例:

This article was short of substance.


Mary intended to marry a man of substance.


8. bolt n. 螺栓,(门、窗)插销。例:

Make sure the bolt of the door is closed before you go to bed.


vt. 闩(门),关窗,拴住。文中此意。例:

Bolt the components together.


