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A new study (from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) 原) [at Tufts University] shows that today’s youth vote [in larger numbers] [than previous 1generations], and a 2008 study (from the Center for American Progress) adds that increasing numbers (of young voters and activists) support traditionally liberal causes 2. But there’s (no) easy way [to see what those figures mean [in real life]]. [During the presidential campaign 3], Barack Obama assembled 4 (a racially 5 and ideologically 6 diverse 7) coalition 8 [with his message of hope and change]; [as the reality of life under a new administration settles in 9,] some of those supporters might become disillusioned 10. [As the nation moves [further] into the Obama presidency,] will (politically engaged young) people continue to support the president and his agenda 11, or will they [gradually] drift 12away?


注:1. previous adj. 早先的,在前的。例:

I’d really like to have dinner with you, but I have a previous engagement.


adv. (to) 在...之前。例:

Previous to our being there, there was an earthquake in the area.


【派】previously (adv.先前,以前)

2. liberal adj.自由的,思想开明的;丰富的;慷慨的。例:

a liberal mind 开明的思想

The new measure are rational and liberal.


I put a liberal amount of sun block on my skin.


liberal causes:自由事业。cause除了原因之意,还有事业、目标意。这里牵涉到了背景知识,补充如下:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Excerpts from The Declaration of Independence


3. campaign n. 战役;活动,竞选活动。例:

Many young people are preparing to get involved in the campaign.


The presidential campaign will last for mouths.


At a campaign event Monday, Clinton told the audience that she was proud of her fundraising.


[选自:CNN: Schneider: Show us the money]

4. assemble v. 集合,集会。文中此意。例:

We assemble at the square at 1:30 p.m.


Al-Maliki is attempting to assemble a national unity government to present to parliament for its approval.


[选自:CNN: Iraqi PM-designate: U.S. could start pullout in 18 months]

vt. 装配,组装。例:

It is difficult to assemble the miniature car.


5. racially adv.人种上;按人种地。例:

Racially, the two country are the same.


6. ideologically adv. 意识形式上,思想体系上。例:

He has a vaunted personal story and a likeable personality, but he is hemmed in ideologically.


[选自:ECONOMIST: Bob Barr and the Libertarian challenge to John McCain]

7. diverse adj. 多种多样的,不同的。例:

The researchers must gather information from many diverse fields.


8. coalition n. 结合体,同盟;结合,联合。例:

Many countries joined the coalition against terrorism.


This politician is contemptuous of coalition statements about the result of the war.

9. settles in 安顿下来;在...中放稳,坐稳[躺倒];(使)开始在...居住;盘踞。例:

They will arrive at Friday and settle in for a five-month stay.


I enjoyed the life there, once I’d settled in.


10. disillusioned adj. 醒悟的;幻想破灭的,不抱幻想的。文中此意。例:

I’ve become very disillusioned with this job.


v. 使不再抱幻想,使理想破灭。例:

This work disillusioned me.


11. agenda n. 议事日程,但在文中很明显是指治国方针、计划。

12. drift vi. 漂,漂流。例:

The boat drifted out to the sea.

The theory about drifting plates. 板块漂移学说

n. 漂,漂流。例:

The drift of current slowly slowly flowed into the sea.


【派】drifting(adj. 漂流的)

文中drift away渐渐疏远,慢慢散去。例:

If it falters, some of the Europeans could drift away.


[选自:CNN: NATO: The Alliance Expands]

The writers of Generation O (short for Obama) 原, {a new Newsweek blog} (that seeks to 1 chronicle 2 the lives of a group of young Obama supporters,) want to answer that question. [For the next three months], Michelle Kremer and 11 other Obama supporters, ^ages 19 to 34^, will blog about life (across mainstream 3America), [with one twist 4]: [by tying all of their ideas and experiences to the new president and his administration], the bloggers will try to start a conversation [about what it means to be young and politically active] [in America today]. Malena Amusa, {a 24-year-old writer and dancer from St. Louis}, sees the project (as it happens.) Amusa, (who is traveling to India [this spring] [to finish a book],) then [to Senegal] [to teach English], has (ongoing 5) conversations [with her friends] [about how the Obama presidency has changed their daily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, [along with 6 her global perspective 7], [into her posts].] She’s excited [because, ^as she puts it^, “I don’t have to wait [until 15 years from now]” [to make sense of 8 the world].]

奥(奥巴马的简写)代人是《新闻周刊》中新开的博客,以记述一群年轻的奥巴马支持者的生活为主要目的,其作者们想要给出上述问题的答案。在接下来的三个月里,年龄在19岁到34岁的Michelle Kremer和其他11位奥巴马的支持者,将利用博客介绍主流美国的生活,这是一个创新:将他们所有的想法和经历与新总统及他的领导连接起来,博主们将展开对话,讨论年轻和积极参与政治在今日的美国意味着什么。Malena Amusa,来自圣路易斯的24岁的作家兼舞蹈家将此项倡议视为记录发生中的历史的一种方法。Amusa今年春天为完成一部书的写作去了印度旅游,又到塞内加尔教授英语,现在她和朋友在不断讨论奥巴马的当选如何改变了她们的日常生活,且希望从全球的视角将她的很多想法写入她的博客中去。她很激动,因为“从现在起,我不必再等15年”才搞懂世界的意义,她写道。

注:1. seeks to 设法;企图,试图。例:

Both sides have to seek to adjust.


2. chronicle n.编年史,记录。例:

The subscription chronicle could not be added.


vt. 将(某事)载入编年史,记录。文中此意。例:

Because what you are doing for a living is attempting to chronicle the human experience.


[选自:FORBES: How Your Journalism Sausage Gets Made, Part Twelve: How to Be a Journa]

3. mainstream n.(思想或行为的)主流,主要趋势。例:

How did these ideas become mainstream?


4. twist n. 创新之举,新发展。含义中带有意外进展的意味。2008年6月听力中出现过twist my ankle扭伤了脚踝,这里作扭曲讲怎么都讲不通。

Along with WiMAX, the next twist in the wireless landscape is the mesh network.


[选自:MSN: The real wireless revolution is just beginning]

5. ongoing adj. 不断地,进行的;前进的。文中此意。例:

The maintenance of web server is ongoing.


Ongoing and development is necessary to economic.


n. 前进,发展;行为,举止。例:

I worried about his ongoing.


6. along with除...以外(还);和...一起,随着。例:

Along with memoried, she came home with several memories.


Along with time, it will take effort.


7. perspective n. 透视画法,透视图;远景,前途;观点,看法。例:

Many students go to university to acquire a broader perspective of life.


I hope you can view the problem from a different perspective.


From their perspective, they want to know how we’re going to manage the situation.


[选自:WSJ: Managing in Asia: KPMG Audit Chief Benny Liu Faces China Risks]

8. make sense of v. 使...有意义;理解,弄清...的意思。例:

I can’t find any way to make sense of this argument.


How does one make sense of this data?


But, there is a fundamental problem: How do we make sense of all of it?


[选自:FORBES: There Are 200 Million People Tweeting: Are You Listening?]

Henry Flores, {a political-science 1 professor at St. Mary’s University}, credits 2 this younger generation’s political strength [to their embrace 3 of technology]. “[The Internet] 原 4 exposes 5 them [to more thinking],” he says, “and groups (that are like-minded [in different parts] (of the country)) start to come [together].” That’s [exactly] what the Generation O bloggers are hoping to do. The result could be a group of young people (that, ^like their boomer parents^, grows up [with a strong sense of purpose] and sheds the image (of apathy) (they’ve inherited 6 [from Generation X].)) It’s no small challenge [for a blog] (run [by a group of ordinary 7 – ^if ambitious 8^ – young people],) but the members (of Generation O) are up to 9 the task.

Henry Flores,一位圣玛丽大学的政治科学教授,将年轻一代的政治力量归功于他们对科技的利用。“(互联网)使他们接触更多思想”,他说,“来自国家不同地区有同样想法的人开始聚集在一起。”那正是奥代博主们希望做的事。结果很可能会产生这样一批年轻人,他们像二战后婴儿潮时期出生的父母一样,在成长的过程中有强烈的目标感,甩开了从X代人(60年代后期和70年代出生的美国人)那里继承来的不谈国是的冷漠形象。这对于一个由一群普通的——如果可以说有雄心的——年轻人所开的博客来说是个不小的挑战,但是奥代人成员能胜任这项任务。

注:1. political-science 政治科学

2. credit n. 信用,信任;信用贷款;名誉;学分。例:

credit card 信用卡

Tom’s credit card has been stolen together with his wallet.


If you can’t afford to pay cash,buy it on credit.


He is a credit to his country.


Bill hasn’t enough credits to get his degree.


v. 相信,信任。credit to归功于。文中作动词。例:

From his condition, the police could hardly credit the story of his injury.


3. embrace v. 拥抱。例:

Alice embraced her mother before going on the train.


vt. 包含。例:

The term “mankind’embraces man,women and children


n. 拥抱。文中为名词。

For the Financial Times it was a rare embrace of the West by an Arab country.


[选自:BBC: Newspaper review: Arrest of UBS rogue trader dominates]

4. 原:这个中括号是原文中本身就有的。英语文章中,中括号在直接引语中经常出现,其作用有两个。①为所引用的句子补充主语等因上下文缺少的部分;②因为受到英语严格的语法规则,很多时候动词的形式在进行引用时会跟语法规则相冲突。所以中括号会补上相关的词语以使语法正确。

5. expose vt. 使暴露,受到;使曝光。例:

be exposed to 面临...,受到...;

expose ...to...使暴露于...,使...受(危险,风险)

As soon as men leave the aerosphere, they are exposed to the radiation.


One who tries to be a quack will be exposed finally.


6. inherit vt. 继承。例:

Jim has been living in the lap of luxury since he inherited his father’s money.


Sowing the seeds of tomorrow so that future generations can inherit a more sustainable world.


[选自:UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: Education for Sustainable Development]

7. ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的;规定的,拙劣的。例:

It was just an ordinary weekend for us.


He seemed no ordinary mendicant.


n. 普通,平常的人(或事)。文中此意。例:

This is indeed out of the ordinary.


8. ambitious adj. 有雄心的,雄心勃勃的。例:

This is an ambitious agenda, one that needs a firm commitment from your administration and Congress.


[选自:CNN: AllPolitics - FDCH Transcript: Clinton Decries 'Heroin Chic']

9. be up to 胜任;该由…负责;轮到…;从事,忙于

It would be up to the government to decide whether to make the formal extradition request.


[选自:NPR: After 4-Year Ordeal, A Seattle Homecoming For Knox]

