

分类: 英语词汇 

会计法 accounting law
税法 tax law; taxation law
反不正当竞争法 anti-unfair competition law
消费者权益保护法 consumer’s interest protection law
产品责任法 production liability law
消费者权益法 consumer rights and interests law
公司法 company law; corporate law
公司 company; corporation
有限责任公司 limited liability company
股份有限公司 company limited by shares
无限公司 unlimited company
股份两合公司 joint stock limited liability partnership
两合公司 joint liability company
控股公司 holding company
集团公司 group company
合资公司 joint venture company
联营公司 associated company; affiliated company
国营公司 state-own company
国有公司 state-owned company
民营公司 civilian-run company
本国公司 national/domestic company
外国公司 foreign company
上市公司 listed company
母公司 parent company
子公司 subsidiary
皮包公司 briefcase company; fundless company
募集设立 incorporation by stock floatation
发起人 floater; initiator
公司名称 name of company
公司住址 domicile of company
出资 contribution; capital subscription
现金出资 investment in cash
实物出资 investment in kind
工业产权出资 investment in industrial property right
非专有技术出资 investment in non-patent technology
劳务出资 investment in labor
高新技术成果出资 investment in hi-tech achievements
注册资本 registered capital
实缴资本 paid-in capital
验资报告 capital verification report
会计师事务所 certified public accountants
注册会计师 certified public accountant
资本三原则 three doctrine of capital  
资本确定原则 doctrine of capital determination
资本维持原则 doctrine of capital maintenance
资本不变原则 doctrine of unchanging capital
最低资本额制度 minimum capital system
公司章程 articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw
公司登记 incorporation; corporate registration
公司存续 existence of company
公司合并分立 merger and split of company
公司并购 corporate merger and acquisition
公司管理 corporate governance; company management
公司法律顾问 corporate counsel
公司整顿 company rectification
公司歇业 closure of business
公司和解 company composition
公司解散 company dissolution
公司清算 company liquidation
公司清理 company winding-up
竞业禁止 non-commpete; competition prohibition
招股章程 prospectus
股本 stock capital  
股东 shareholder
股东大会 shareholders’ meeting
股东大会决议 resolution of shareholders’ meeting
股东大会议事规则 rule of procedure of shareholders’ meeting
表决权 voting right; right to vote
董事 director
董事长 president/chairman of the board
首席执行官 chief executive officer(CEO)
首席运营官 chief operation officer(COO)
执行董事 executive director
常务董事 managing director
董事会 board of directors
董事会领导下的经理负责制 responsibility system of the chief executive officer under the leadership of the board of directors
经理独立负责制 manager independent responsibility system
监事 supervisor
监事会 board of supervisors
股 share; stock
普通股 common stock
特别股 special stock
资格股 qualification stock
优先股 preferred stock
劣后股 inferior stock
表决权股 stock with voting power
溢价股 premium stock
折价股 converting stock
国家股 state-owned share
集体股 collective share
法人股 corporate share
企业股 enterprise share
个人股 individual share
股息 dividend
红股 bonus stock; dividend stock
法定公积金 legal accumulation fund
资本公积金 capital accumulation fund
盈余公积金 surplus accumulation fund
任意公积金 optional accumulation fund
公司犯罪 corporate crime
证券法 securities law
证券发行 issuance of securities
证券上市 list securities; float an issue
证券交易所 stock exchange
证券商 securities dealer
证券公司 securities company
证券承销商 consortium of underwriters
证券承销合同 underwriting contract
证券经纪人 securities broker
披露制度 disclosing system
交割日 closing date
风险投资基金 venture capital fund
上海证券交易所 Shanghai Stock Exchange  
深圳证券交易所 Shenzhen Stock Exchange
证券监督委员会 securities supervision committee

票据法 law of negotiable instrument
票据 notes; bills; commercial instruments
商业票据 bill; commercial instrument
远期票据 time bill;; long-dated bill
到期票据 matured bill
即期票据 sight bill
记名票据 bill payable to order; note to order
不记名票据 bearer instrument
本票 promissory note
支票 cheque
汇票 bill of exchange
发票日 ticket day
出票日 date of draft/issue
发票地 place of draft/issue
票据到期日 bill to mature
票据金额 sum of bill
票面价额 face value
票据出票人 drawer
票据持票人 bill holder
票据承兑人 bill acceptor
票据行为 act on commercial paper
承兑票据 honor a bill
票据议付 negotiation
拒付票据 protest a bill
票据付款人 drawee
票据支付人 payer on commercial instrument
票据收款人 bill collector
票据背书人 endorser/indorser of a bill
被背书人 endorsee
票据保证人 bill guarantor
票据被保证人 bill pledgee/warrantee
再追索人 renewed recourser
前手 remote holder
后手 subsequent endorser
票据权利 right of bill  
票据期限 term of bill; tenor
票据债务人 debtor of commercial instrument
追索权 right of recourse
票据抗辩 exception to bill
票据丧失 loss of bill
票据时效 prescription of exchanges
票据贴现 discount of bill
再贴现 rediscount of bill
恩惠期间 term of benevolence
票据代理 agency for notes/bills/commercial instruments
海商法 maritime law
船舶国籍证书 certificate of registry; certificate of ship’s nationality
船棋国 flag country
船舶所有权证书 certificate of ship ownership
船舶检验 register of ship
船舶保险 insurance on hull
船舶保险单 hull insurance policy
船舶登记证书 certificate of registry
船舶丈量 tonnage measurement of ships
船舶进港费 groundage
船舶抵押 ship mortgage
船舶租赁 ship chartering
船舶转租 ship subchartering
船舶所有人责任限制 limitation of liabilities of ship owners
船舶碰撞 ship collision
船舶遇难 maritime distress
海上灾难 perils of the sea
海上拖航 marine towage
船舶扣押 detention of ship
船舶债权 ship’s credit
船级社 classification society
船级证书 certificate of class
海上留置权 maritime lien
船舶留置权 maritime lien
船舶抵押权 maritime mortgage
海上优先请求权 priority claim to seagoing ships
救助优先权 priority claim to salvage
共同海损优先权 priority claim to general average
服务优先权 priority claim to service
货物损害优先权 priority claim to cargo damage
传播抵押借款和货物抵押借款优先权 priority claim to ship credit and goods credit
海运合同 shipping contract
提单 bill of lading(B/L)
空舱费 dead freight
租船费 charterage
租船合同 charter-party contract of affreightment
期租船合同 time charter-party; time CP
航次租船合同 voyage charter-party
定期租船合同 time charter-party
光船租船合同 bareboat charter-party; bareboat CP
包租运输合同 shipping charter-party
海上旅客运输合同 contract for carriage of passengers by sea
远洋拖带合同 contract of ocean towage
港内拖带合同 contract of port towage
海难救助合同 salvage contract
海事报告 master’s protest;; sea protest
海事声明书 sea protest
海事争议 maritime dispute
海事法院 maritime court;; admiralty court
海事诉讼程序 maritime proceedings
船舶碰撞案件的民事管辖权 civil jurisdiction of sea collision
船舶碰撞案件的刑事管辖权 criminal jurisdiction of sea collision
海事争议的审理 hearing/trial of maritime disputes
海事诉讼保全措施 measures for maritime attachment
海事优先请求权 preferential right top maritime claim
海事请求保全申请书 application/petition for maritime attachment
海事诉讼法律文书送达 service of legal instruments in maritime action/proceedings
涉外海事诉讼管辖权 jurisdiction of maritime action involving for elements
强制变卖被扣押船舶 compulsory realization of the distrained ship
海事仲裁程序规则 rules of maritime arbitration procedure
保险法 insurance law
自愿保险 voluntary insurance
强制保险 compulsory insurance
商业保险 commercial insurance
财产保险 property insurance
人身保险 personal insurance
人寿保险 life insurance
健康保险 health insurance
意外保险 accident insurance
社会保险 social insurance
养老保险 endowment insurance
医疗保险 medical insurance
失业保险 unemployment insurance
信用保险 credit insurance
保证保险 guaranty insurance
保险合同 insurance contract
保险人 insurer; underwriter
被保险人 the insured
受益人 benificiary
投保人 applicant for insurance;; policy holder
保险单 insurance policy
保险标的 insurance object
保险费 premium
保险期限 time limit of insurance
保险利益 insurable interest
保险金额 insurance; insurance compensation
保险事故 insurance accident
保险赔偿 insurance indemnity
保险代理人 insurance agent
保险经纪人 insurance broker
索赔 claim
代位索赔 claim by subrogation
理赔 settlement of claim
代位求偿权 right of subrogation
委付 abandonment
退保 cancellation/discharging of insurance

