

分类: 英语词汇 
mA Milliampere
MAC Macintosh (Apple Macintosh Computer) +
Media/Medium Access Control +
Message Authentication Code
MAC * Multiple Access Computers
.MAC MacPaint (file name extension) +
Macro (file name extension)
MACH Multilayer Actuator Head [Epson]
MADE Manufacturing and Automated Design Engineering
MADYMO Mathematical Dynamic Modeling [TNO]
MAE Merit Access Exchange + Metropolitan Area Ethernet
MAGMA Minimal Architecture for Generalized Markup Applications
mAh Milliampere-Hour
MAI Multiple Applications Interface
.MAI Mail (file name extension)
MAJC Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing [Sun]
MAN Manual [Unix] + Metropolitan Area Network
MANIAC * Mathematical Analyzer Numerical
Integrator and Computer
MANPAGE Manual Page [Unix]
MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedures +
Manufacturing Automation Protocol +
Memory Allocation Map
.MAP Linker Map (file name extension)
MAPI Mail/Messaging Applications Programming
Interface [Microsoft]
MAPICS Manufacturing, Accounting and Production
Information Control System [IBM]
MARC Machine Readable Cataloging +
Multi-Technology Automated Reader Card
MARVEL Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual
Electronic Library [Library of Congress]
MASM Macro Assembler [Microsoft]
MASS Maximum Availability and Support
Subsystem [Parallan]
MAT Maintenance Access Terminal
MAU Media Access/Adapter Unit + Multistation Access Unit
MAVDM Multiple Application VDM
MAX Maximum
MB Megabyte (1,024 kilobytes) +
Middle Button (of 3 button Mouse)
MBASIC Microsoft BASIC [Microsoft]
MBCS Multi-Byte Character Set [IBM]
MBONE Multicast Backbone [Internet]
MBps Megabytes Per Second
Mbps Megabits Per Second
MBR Master Boot Record
MBX Mailbox
MCA Micro Channel Adapter/Architecture [IBM]
MCAD Mechanical Computer Aided Design
MCB Memory Control Block
MCF Meta Content Framework
MCGA Multicolor Graphics Array
MCI MCI Communications Corp. (name from initials of
original company - Microwave Communications, Inc.) +
Media Control Interface [Microsoft]
MCL Microsoft Compatibility Labs [Microsoft]
MCM Multi-Chip Module
MCNE Master Certified Novell Engineer [Novell]
MC-PGA Metallized Ceramic - Pin Grid Array
MCPS Microsoft Certified Product Specialist [Microsoft]
MC-QFP Metallized Ceramic - Quad Flat Pack
MCR Modem Control Register
MCSD Microsoft Certified Systems Developer [Microsoft]
MCSE Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer [Microsoft]
MCU Microcontroller Unit + Multi-Chip Unit [DEC] +
Multipoint Control Unit
MD Make Directory + Mini Disk [Sony] + Monochrome Display
MDA Monochrome Display Adapter +
Multidimensional Analysis
MDDBMS Multidimensional Data Base Management System
.MDF Menu Definition File (file name extension)
MDI Memory Display Interface +
Multiple document Interface
MDIC Manchester Decoder and Interface Chip [AT&T]
MDK Multimedia Developers Kit [Microsoft]
MDLP Mobile Data Link Protocol
MDR Minimum Design Requirement
MDY Month Day Year
.ME Opening Information (file name extension) (As in READ.ME)
MEB Memory Expansion Board
MEG Megabyte
MEM Memory
.MEN Menu (file name extension)
MERCI Multimedia European Research Conferencing Integration
MES Manufacturing Execution System
MESI Modified, Exclusive, Shared and Invalid (protocol)
MET Memory Enhancement Technology [Hewlett-Packard]
.MET Metafile (file name extension)
MFC Microsoft Foundation Class [Microsoft]
MFFS Microsoft Flash File System [Microsoft]
MFI Multifunction Interpreter
MFIOP Multifunction I/O Processor
MFLOPS Million Floating Point Operations Per Second
MFM Modified Frequency Modulation
MFP Multi-Function Peripheral/Product
MFPI Multifunction Peripheral Interface
MFS Macintosh File System [Macintosh] +
Magnetic Tape Field Search + Memory File System
Modified Filing System [Revelation Technologies]
MFT Master File Table +
Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks
MGA Monochrome Graphics Adapter
MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol
MGE Modular GIS Environment
MGET Multiple Get [Unix]
MGML Minimal Generalized Markup Language
MGR Manager
MHS Message Handling Service + Message Handling System
MHz Megahertz
MI Management Interface
MIB Management Information Base
MIC Message Integrity Check
MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MICRO One-millionth
MICS Macro Interpretive Commands
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIF Management Information Format
.MIF Management Information Files (file name extension)
MIG Metal In Gap
MII Microsoft/IBM/Intel
MIL Machine Interface Layer [Go Corporation] +
.MIL Military (Domain name) [Internet]
MIM Map Image Metafile + Metal-Insulator-Metal (screen)
MIMD Multiple Instruction Multiple Data Stream (processor)
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension [Internet]
MI/MIC Mode Indicate/Mode Indicate Common
MIN Minimum + Mobile Identification Number
MIND Microsoft Internet Developer [Microsoft]
MINUET Minnesota Internet Users Essential Tools [Internet]
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
MIS Management Information System +
Multimedia Information Sources [Internet]
MISC Miscellaneous
MIX Member Information Exchange
MKDIR Make Directory
ML Machine Language + Meta Language
MLAPI Multilingual Application Programming Interface
MLC Multilayer Ceramic +
Multilevel Cell (program) [Internet]
MLE Multi-Line Editor
MLID Multi-Link Interface Driver
MLM Mailing List Manager [Internet]
MLPPP Multilink PPP
MM Minutes + Month
MMA Microcomputer Managers Association
MMC Matched Memory Cycle + Microcomputer Marketing Council +
Microsoft Management Console [Microsoft]
MMCD MultiMedia Compact Disk
MMCX Multimedia Communication Exchange [Lucent Technologies]
MMI Man-Machine Interface
MMIS Materials Manager Information System
MMPM Multi Media Presentation Manager
MMU Memory Management Unit
MMVF Multimedia Video File [NEC]
MMX Matrix Manipulation Extensions [Intel] +
Multimedia Extensions
MNOS Metal Nitride Oxide Semiconductor
MNP Microcom Networking Protocol [Microcom]
.MNU Menu (fine name extension)
MO Magneto-Optical (disk drive)
MOB Memory-Order Buffer
MOBO Mother Board
MOD Module + Modulus
MODEM Modulator Demodulator
MOHLL Machine Oriented High Level Language
MOLAP Multidimensional On-Line Analytical Processing
MOM Manufacturing Operations Management +
Message-Oriented Middleware +
Microsoft Office Manager [Microsoft]
MONET Multiwavelength Optical Networking
MONO Monaural
MOO MUD, Object Oriented [Internet]
MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol
MOPS Million Operations Per Second
MOS Magneto-Optic Storage + Mean Opinion Score +
Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOTD Message Of The Day
MOV Metal Oxide Varistor + Move
MOVS Move String
MP Massively Parallel (processing) + Multiple Processors
MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3
MPC Multimedia Personal Computer + Multipath Channel
MPCS Mission Planning and Control Station (Software)
MPE Multiple Programming Executive [HP]
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
MPI Message Passing Interface + Multiprecision Integer
MPM Message Passing Library [IBM]
MPMD Multiple Processor/Multiple Data
MPOA Multi-Protocol over Asynchronous-Transfer-Mode
MPP Massively Parallel Processing +
Message Posting Protocol + Message Processing Program
MPQP Multi-Protocol Quad Port [IBM]
MPR Multipart Repeater + Multi Protocol Router [Novell]
MPS Multiprocessor Specification
MPTN Multi-Protocol Transport Network
MPTS Multi-Protocol Transport Services
MPU Microprocessor Unit
MQI Messaging and Queuing Interface [IBM]
MR Magneto Resistive + Modem Ready
MRCF Microsoft Realtime Compression Format
MRCI Microsoft Realtime Compression Interface
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRM Most Recently-Used Master
MRO Multi-Region Operation
MRP Materials Requirement Planning
MRPL Main Ring Path Length
MRS Media Recognition System
MRT Mean Repair Time
MRU Maximum Receive Unit
MS Memory System + Message Store + Microsecond +
Microsoft Corporation + Millisecond
MSACM Microsoft Audio Compression Manager [Microsoft]
MSAU Multi-Station Access Unit
MSAV Microsoft Anti Virus [Microsoft]
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSBF Mean Swaps Between Failures
MSCDEX Microsoft Compact Disc Extensions [Microsoft]
MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol [Microsoft]
MSD Mass Storage Device + Most Significant Digit +
Microsoft System Diagnostics [Microsoft]
MSDE Microsoft Data Engine
MSDN Microsoft Developer Network [Microsoft]
MS-DOS Microsoft - Disk Operating System [Microsoft]
MSDR Multiplexed Streaming Data Request
MSDS Microsoft Developer Support [Microsoft]
MSFR Minimum Security Function Requirements [IBM]
MSG Message
.MSG Program Message (file name extension)
MSI Medium Scale Integration
MSIE Microsoft Internet Explorer [Microsoft]
MSL Map Specification Library + Mirrored Server Link
MSMQ Microsoft Message Queue-Server [Microsoft]
MSN Microsoft Network [Microsoft]
MSO Multiple-Systems Operator
.MSP Microsoft Paint (file name extension) [Microsoft]
MSRP Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price
MSS Mass Storage System +
Multiprotocol Switched Services [IBM]
MSTS Microsoft Terminal Server [Microsoft]
MSW Machine Status Word
MTA Message Transfer Agent + Multiple Terminal Access
MTBB Mean Time Between Breakdowns
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTBJ Mean Time Between Jams
MTF Microsoft Tape Format [Microsoft] +
Modulation Transfer Function
MTRP Maximum Transfer Rate Performance
MTS Message Transfer Service/System +
Microsoft Transaction Server [Microsoft] +
Multichannel Television Sound
MTST Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter [IBM]
MTT Multi-Transaction Timer
MTTD Mean Time To Diagnose
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
MUA Mail User Agent
MUD Multi-User Dialogue/Dimension/Domain/Dungeon [Internet]
MUL Multiply
MULTICS Multiplexed Information and Computing Service
MUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital Utility
Multi-Programming System (Programming Language)
MUSE Multi-User Shared Environment
MUT Monitor Under Test
MUX Multiplexer
mV Millivolt
MVB Multimedia Viewer Book
MVC Multimedia Viewer Compiler
MVDM Multiple Virtual DOS Machines
MVGA Monochrome Video Graphics Array
MVIP Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol
MVP Multimedia Video Processor
MVS Multiple Virtual Storage
MVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks
MX Mail Exchanger [Internet]
MXS Microsoft Exchange Server [Microsoft]
MZR Multiple Zone Recording

