

分类: 英语词汇 
L2F Layer Two Forwarding [Cisco]
L2TP Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
LADDR Layered Device Driver Architecture [Microsoft]
LALL Longest Allowed Lobe Length
LAN Local Area Network
LANACS Local Area Network Asynchronous Connection Server
LANDP LAN Distributed Platform
LANE Local Area Network Emulation
LANG Language
LAPB Link Access Procedure Balanced (protocol)
LAPD Link Access Procedure on the D-Channel (protocol)
LAPM Link Access Procedure for Modems
LAR Load Access Rights
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LASTport Local Area Storage Transport (protocol) [DEC]
LAT Local Access Terminal +
Local Area Transport [DEC]
LATA Local Access and Transport Area
LAVC Local Area VAX Cluster
LAWN Local Area Wireless Network
LB Left Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)
LBA Logical Block Addressing
LBL Label
LBR Librarian
.LBR Library (file name extension)
LBT Listen Before Talk
LBX Local Bus Accelerator
LCA Lotus Communications Architecture [Lotus]
LCC Leadless Chip Carrier
LCD Liquid Crystal Display + Lowest Common Denominator
LCF Low Cost Fiber
LCK Library Construction Kit [Microsoft FoxPro]
LCP Link Control Protocol
LCR Least Cost Routing + Line Control Register
LCSD Laminate Chip Signal Diode
LCU Last Cluster Used
LDA Logical Device Address
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [IBM]
LDC Lotus Development Corporation
LDDS Long Distance Discount Services (company)
LDM Long Distance Modem
LDT Local Descriptor Table
LE Less or Equal
LEA Load Effective Address
LEAF Law Enforcement Access Field
LEC Local Area Network Emulation Client +
Local Exchange Carrier
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEL Link, Embed and Launch-to-edit [Lotus]
LEM Language Extension Module
LEN Low Entry Networking
LEO Low Earth Orbit
LES Local Area Network Emulation Server
.LET Letter (file name extension)
LEX Lexicon
LF Line Feed
LFAP Lightweight Flow Admission Protocol
LFI Last File Indicator
LFN Long File Name
LFT Low Function Terminal [IBM]
LFU Least Frequently Used
LGA Leadless Grid Array
LGDT Load Global Descriptor Table
LIAS Library Information Access System
.LIB Library (file name extension)
LIC Line Interface Coupler [IBM]
LICS Lotus International Character Set [LDC]
LIDT Load Interrupt Descriptor Table
LIEP Large Internet Exchange Packet [Novell]
LIF Low Insertion Force
LIFO Last In, First Out
LILO Last In, Last Out
LIM Lotus/Intel/Microsoft
LIMA Lotus/Intel/Microsoft/AST
LIMDO Light Intensity Modulation Direct Overwrite
LIMM Light Intensity Modulation Method
LIMS Library Information Management System
LINUX (Operating system named after Linus Torvalds)
LIP Large Internet Packet
LIPS Lightweight Internet Person Schema +
Logical Inferences Per Second
LISP List Processing (Language)(See HLL)
LISTSERV List Server [Internet]
LIU LAN Interface Unit
LIW Long Instruction Word
LLC Logical Link Control
LLDT Load Local Descriptor Table
LLF Low Level Format
LMB Left Mouse Button
LMBCS Lotus Multi-Byte Character Set [Lotus]
LMD Last Modification Date
LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service
LMI Link/Local Management Interface
LMS Lotus Messaging Switch [Lotus]
LMSW Load Machine Status Word
LMU LAN Management Utilities [IBM] +
LAN Manager for Unix
LN Load Number + Logarithm (Natural)
LN:DI Lotus Notes:document Imaging
LNK Link
LOB Line of Business
LOC Lines Of Code + Loop On-Line Control
LOCIS Library of Congress Information System
LOD Level Of Detail
LODSB Load String Byte
LOG Logarithm (Base 10)
LOGO (Programming Language)(See HLL)
LON Local Operating Network
LOOPE Loop while Equal
LOOPNE Loop while Not Equal
LOOPNZ Loop while Not Zero
LOOPZ Loop while Zero
LORE Line Oriented Editor
LPAR Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning
LPC Local Procedure Call
LPD Line Printer Daemon (protocol) [Berkley]
LPI Lines Per Inch
LPL Lotus Programming Language [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]
LPM Lines Per Minute
LPN Logical Page Number
LPR Line Printer Remote
LPS Low-Power Schottky
LPT Line Printer
LPT1 First Parallel Printer Port
LPT2 Second Parallel Printer Port
LPT3 Third Parallel Printer Port
LQ Letter Quality
LQM Link Quality Monitoring (protocol)
LR Link Register
LRC Local Register Cache +
Longitudinal Redundancy Check
LRL Least Recently Loaded
LRM Language Reference Manual + Least Recently-Used Master
.LRS Language Resource (file name extension) [WordPerfect]
LRU Least Recently Used
LSA LAN and SCSI Adapter [IBM] + Line Sharing Adapter +
Local Security Authority [Microsoft]
LSAPI License Services Application Program Interface
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSC Least Significant Character
LSD Least Significant Digit
LSI Large Scale Integration
LSL Link Support Layer + Load Segment Limit
LST List
.LST List (file name extension)
LTO Linear Tape Open
LTR Left-To-Right + Letter + Load Task Register
LU Logical Unit (Also LUN)
LUA Logical Unit Application (interface)
LUI Local User Input
LUIS Library User Information Service
LUN Logical Unit Number
LUT Lookup Table
LV Logical Volume [IBM]
LVDS Low-Voltage Differential Signaling
LVM Logical Volume Management [IBM]
LW Lazy Write
.LYR Lyrics (music file name extension)
LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch (algorithm)

