

分类: 英语词汇 
NAC Network Adapter Card
NACD National Association of Computer Dealers
NACS National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors
NAE Not Above or Equal
NAK Negative Acknowledgment
NAM Number Assignment Module
NAMPS Narrow-Band Analog Mobile Phone Service [Motorola]
NAND Not And
NANO One thousand-millionth
NAP Network Access Point
NAPLPS North American Presentation Level Protocol
Syntax (graphics)
NAS Network Access Server + Network Application Support [DEC] +
Network Attached Storage

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers
Automatic Quotation
NASI NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface [Novell]
NASIRC NASA Automated Systems Internet Response Capability
NASKER NASA Ames Kernel (benchmark)
NAT Network Address Translators

NAU Network Addressable Unit
NAWS Negotiate About Window Size
NBE Not Below or Equal
NBI Nothing But Initials
NBMA Non-Broadcast Multi Access
NBS Narrowband Socket + National Bureau of Standards +
Numeric Backspace
NC Network Computer + No Carry + Numerical Control
NCA Network Communications Adapter +
Network Computing Architecture [Oracle]
NCC Network Control Center
NCD Network Computing Device
.NCF Netware Command File [Novell]
NCGA National Computer Graphics Association
NCIC National Crime Information Center
NCMT * Numerical Control for Machine Tools
NCOS Network Computer Operating System
NCP NetWare Core Protocol + Not Copy Protected +
Network Control Processor/Program/Protocol
NCR National Cash Register (Company)
NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications
NCSC National Computer Security Center
NCSI Network Communications Services
Interface [Network Products Corp.]
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NDDK Network Device Development Kid [Microsoft]
NDEF Not to be Defined
NDIS Network Device/Driver Interface Specification
NDL Network Data Language
NDMP Network Data Management Protocol
NDN Non-Delivery Notice
NDP Numeric Data Processor
NDR Network Data Representation
NDRO Non-Destructive Read Out
NDS NetWare Directory Service [Novell]
.NDX Index (file name extension)
NEC Nippon Electric Company
NED NASA Extragalactic Database [NASA]
NEG Negative + Negate
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEP Network Entry Point
NES National Education Supercomputer
NEST Novell Embedded Systems Technology [Novell]
.NET Networks (Domain Name) [Internet]
NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System [IBM]
NetBEUI NetBIOS Extended User Interface [IBM]
NETMON Network Monitor
.NEW New Information (file name extension)
NEWS NetWare Early Warning System [Frye Computer] +
Network Extensible Window System
NEWS. Current events [USENET Newsgroup Category]
NEXT Near-End Crosstalk
NFF No Fault Found
NFS Network File System [Sun]
NG No Good
NGE Not Greater or Equal
NGI Next-Generation Internet
NHC National Hurricane Center
NHR National Handwriting Recognition
NHRP Next Hop Resolution Protocol
N/I Non-Interlaced
NIA Next Instruction Address
NIC Network Information Center [Internet] +
Network Interface Card +
Numeric Intensive Computing
NICAD Nickel-Cadmium
NICOLAS Network Information Center OnLine Aid System [NASA]
NID New Interactive Display [NEC] + Next ID
NII National Information Infrastructure
NIM Network Installation Management [IBM]
NIMH Nickel-Metal Hydride
NIO Native Input/Output
NIPS Network I/Os Per Second
NIR Network Information Retrieval
NIS Network Information Service [Unix]
N-ISDN Narrowband ISDN + National ISDN
NISO National Information Standards Organization
NISP Networked Information Services Project
NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology
NITC National Information Technology Center
NIU Network Interface Unit
NJE Network Job Entry (protocol) [IBM]
NL New Line
NLE Not Less or Equal
NLM NetWare Loadable Module [Netware]
NLP Natural-Language Processing
NLQ Near Letter Quality
NLSFUNC National Language Support Function
NLV National Language Version [IBM]
NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt
NMM NetWare Management Map [NetWare]
NMOS Negative Channel Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
NMP Network Management Protocol [AT&T]
NMS Network Management System [Novell]
NN Network Node + No News [Internet]
NNI Network to Network Interface
NNM Network Node Manager
NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol [Internet]
NOC Network Operations Center
.NOM Individual with Personal Site (Domain Name) [Internet]
NOP No Operation
NOR Not Or
NOS Network Operating System
NPA Network Printer Alliance + Numbering Plan Area
NPI Network Printer Interface
NPL Nonprocedural Language
NPS Novell Productivity Specialist [Novell]
NPT Non-Programmable Terminal
NPTN National Public Telecomputing Network
NPU Natural Processing Unit
NPX Numeric Processor Extension
NQS Network Queuing System [Cray]
NRC National Research Council (Canada)
NREN National Research and Education Network
NRM Network Resource Manager
NRZ Not Return to Zero
NRZI Non Return to Zero Inverted
NS Nanosecond (one-billionth of a second) +
National Semiconductor (as in Ns16550 UART) +
Network Supervisor + Non S
NSAP Network Service Access Point
NSAPI Netscape Server API [Netscape]
NSA POLY National Security Agency Polygraph
NSERC National Sciences and Engineering Research Council
NSF National Science Foundation
NSFNET National Science Foundation Network
NSI NASA Science Internet
NSLOOKUP Name Server Lookup [Unix]
NSM Netscape Server Manager [Netscape]
NSP Native Signal Processing [Intel] + Network Service
NSSC NASA Standard Spacecraft Computer
NSTC National Science and Technology Council
NSTL National Software Testing Labs
NT New Technology [Microsoft]
NT-1 Network Terminator Type 1
NTAS NT Advanced Server [Microsoft]
NTF No Trouble Found
NTFS New Technology File System [Microsoft]
NTIA National Telecommunications and
Information Administration
NTIS National Technical Information Service
NTP Network Time Protocol
NTRAS NT Remote Access Services [Microsoft]
NTSA NetWare Telephony Services Architecture [Novell]
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
NTU Network Termination Unit
NUI Network User Identification +
Network User Interface +
Notebook User Interface [Go Corporation]
NUL Null + (dummy device) + (no device)
NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access
NV No Overflow
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
NVOD Near-Video On Demand
NVP Nominal Velocity of Propagation
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
NVT Network Virtual Terminal +
Novell Virtual Terminal [Novell]
NWS NetWare Web Server [Netware]
NYM Anonymous

