案例本公司于1952年成立,专营玩具和工艺品,现在已经成为中国最大的进出口公司之一。由于公司的产品质量高,价格优惠,因此在世界各地的客户中享有较高声誉。2004年3月你从国际互联网络上得知美国的DRAGON TOY CO. LTD.欲求购中国产的遥控赛车(Telecontrol Racing Car...
一)Payment is to be effected (made) before the end of this month.这个月末以前应该付款。Its convenient to make payment in pound sterling.用英镑付款较方便。Now, as regards p...
Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, ...
Open interest is the total number of future or option contracts not yet offset by a transaction, by delivery or by exerciseIt is a secondary trading t...
Traders use open interest as a tool to gauge the overall health of a specific futures marketRising & falling open interest levels measure the stre...
Rising open interest shows new money is entering the marketRising prices and increasing open interest signals that the trend is strengtheningThese cha...
Is a market participant who tries to profit from the buying and selling of futures contracts by anticipating future price movementsNon commercial data...
Uses the futures market for "hedging purposes since they are involved in the production, processing or merchandising of a commodityCommercial tra...
Declining open interest indicates money is leaving the market & the recent trend is running out of momentumTrends accompanied by declining open in...