Payroll services offered by banks have come a long way from when a bank would deliver thousands of RMB by armored van with 2 or more armed security of...
International trade is one of the best areas where a bank can help local companies manage the risks of trading with companies in foreign countries. In...
Project financing is similar to corporate lending because the total amount that is borrowed is generally far in excess than what the bank is willing t...
Bills of exchange, also referred to as bills, are essentially a short term credit instrument that can be used by a company either for financing or inv...
Risk management is an important part of the overall bank management. If mistakes are made here, it can result in substantial losses to the bank. By co...
According to the unified regulation of PBC, the following businesses must be handled at banks through the personal settlement account:-Accepting inwar...
According to the unified regulation of PBC ("Administration Measures of RMB Bank Settlement Account" PBC order [2003] No.5), personal bank s...
Along with the development of Chinese national economy, the improvement of people's living standard and the diversification of consumption styles,...
你对股市感兴趣吗?如果常常收看国外的财经新闻,或股市行情报导,恐怕会遇到一些词汇方面的麻烦。众所周知,股市行情分析是利用价格图形 (charting) 或指数 (indicator),研究与分析股票在一定的期间内供需态势,预测整个股市及个股股价的走势,从而决定买卖的时机和数量。股市分析通常藉助图形进...
Passbook of time deposits is a method of deposit where by lump-sum deposit and withdrawal time deposits in multiple currencies and maturities are hand...