

分类: 外贸英语 
Project financing is similar to corporate lending because the total amount that is borrowed is generally far in excess than what the bank is willing to or able to lend to a single company? Some of the types of project financing include energy projects such as gas lines, and laying of electricity cables? Also, construction and infrastructure loans such as toll roads, bridges, tunnels, Magnetic Levitating Rail - Maglev, etc? Also, there is plant construction like electric power, nuclear power, and aircraft leasing, ship construction, etc. In particular, when governments approve large infrastructure projects, a large financing need arises. The main problem is that it is too risky for a single bank to take on the entire exposure. In China, loans in excess of 300 million RMB are generally required to be syndicated among a number of banks. Smaller banks have a lower threshold. In foreign countries, loans generally in excess of 20 million US dollars are usually syndicated. The overall risk threshold depends on the company's credit quality, the size of the bank and bank's existing exposure to the company. If a company is of investment quality, it is usually more advisable that they issue debt in their own name, either in the form of commercial paper or bonds. 项目融资与合作贷款类似,因为所借的总金额一般要远远超出银行所愿意的或所能贷给单一公司的金额。项目资金筹措的种类包括能源项目,如燃气管道和铺设电缆。还有建筑和基础设施贷款,如收费公路、桥梁、隧道、磁悬浮轨道等。还有工厂建设,如电站、核电站、飞机租赁、制造轮船等。特别是,当政府批准大型基础设施项目时,需要筹集大量的资金。主要问题在于由一家银行来承担全部风险的话,风险太大了。在中国,超过3亿元人民币的贷款一般就要求由多家银行联合办理。较小规模的银行门槛较低。在国外,超过2000万美元的贷款一般就会联合成辛迪加来办理。总的风险界限取决于公司的信誉度、银行的规模和银行存在于公司的风险。如果公司具备投资的资质,那么通常建议它以自己的名义通过商业票据或债券的形式发行债务,这样更为有利。 

