Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your req...
We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan, and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business rela...
高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析师阿尔琼?穆尔蒂(Arjun Murti)预测,未来两年中,原油价格可能飙升至每桶200美元。穆尔蒂3年前曾准确预测到油价将出现超级涨升”,升至每桶100美元以上。Crude oil prices could surge to $200 a barr...
由于尼日利亚石油供应再次受到扰乱,加之人们对美国经济可能避免衰退日益感到乐观,油价昨日创下每桶逾120美元的纪录。Oil prices hit a record of more than $120 a barrel yesterday, driven by fresh supply disrupti...
世界最大的钢铁生产商阿塞洛-米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)与中国第二大钢铁公司鞍钢股份(Angang Steel)就合作事宜进行了非正式会谈,以扩展该公司在中国的业务。ArcelorMittal, the world’s biggest steel producer, has he...
石油输出国组织(OPEC,欧佩克)主席沙基卜?克利勒(Chakib Khelil)昨日警告称,油价可能上冲每桶200美元,而欧佩克对此无能为力。Opec’s president yesterday warned oil prices could hit $200 a barrel and...
法国农业部长米歇尔?巴尼耶(Michel Barnier)表示,非洲和拉美应采取自己版本的欧洲共同农业政策(CAP),以应对食品需求不断上升的局面。Africa and Latin America should adopt their own versions of Europe’s C...
上海股市昨日大涨9.29%,创下6年半以来的最大单日涨幅,周三晚间宣布的降低股票交易印花税以提振投资者信心的消息收到了效果。上证综合指数收盘上涨304.7点,报收3583.028点。Shares in Shanghai surged by 9.29 per cent yesterday &ndash...
瑞银(UBS)警告称,其投资银行部门将进一步大幅裁员。作为在美国次贷危机中损失最惨重的欧洲银行,瑞银简要介绍了收缩投资银行业务的计划。自去年夏季以来,该项业务导致瑞银在美国信贷业务上损失逾370亿美元。UBS warned of further big job losses in investmen...
中国证券监管机构对一位基金经理实行终生资本市场禁入,对另一位基金经理实行7年禁入,此举向基金管理行业发出警告,要求它们整顿松懈的内部控制。China’s securities regulator has banned one fund manager from the country&r...