A man watches between Fu Niu Leles, the official mascot of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, during a launching ceremony at the foot of the Great Wal...
Official Mascot of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games unveiledMen stand near Fu Niu Lele, the official mascot of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, as ...
北京奥组委在本周三宣布,经过6所首都高校、数百名专家学者近一年的精心打造,北京奥运会通用培训系列教材将正式出版发行。 Primary school students are curious about the books and cannot wait to read them.A set of t...
1. Asking about Training Sites询问训练场地 A: Where can we train before the competition? 赛前可以在哪里训练? B: Besides the competition hall, there are six arenas fo...
B: Here are the five copies of the program, 25 ID cards and bibs. 这是贵队的5份赛程表、25张身份卡和号码布。 A: Please let me know where to put the large bib and where to...
1. Ankle Injury脚踝受伤 A: Doctor! 医生! B: What is the matter? 你怎么了? A: I sprained my ankle. It's killing me! 我扭伤了脚踝,好痛啊! B: Where exactly does it hurt...
The concert begins at 8 o'clock. 音乐会8点开始。A: Can we book tickets for the concert this evening?A:我们可以预订今晚音乐会的票吗?B: Yes, no problem. How many tickets...
What other colours do you have? 你还有其他颜色的吗?A: I like that handbag. I like the style.A:我喜欢这件手提包。我喜欢它的款式。B: How about the colour? Do you like orange?B:颜色...