

分类: 体育英语 
The concert begins at 8 o'clock.


A: Can we book tickets for the concert this evening?

A: 我们可以预订今晚音乐会的票吗?

B: Yes, no problem.  How many tickets?

B: 是的,没问题。要几张票?

A: Two please.  How much are they?

A: 两张。多少钱?

B: We've got tickets at 75 yuan and 100 yuan.  Which would you like?

B: 我们有75元一张的和100元一张的。你要哪种?

A: The 75 yuan tickets will be fine, thanks.

A: 75元一张的就行,谢谢。

B: OK. That's two tickets at 75 yuan each – a total of 150 yuan, please. And the concert begins at 8 o'clock.

B: 好的,75元的要两张——一共是150元。音乐会8点开始。


1. If you want to book tickets, you can ask: Can we book tickets for the concert?/ Can I book a ticket for the football match?如果你想订票,你可以问:Can we book tickets for the concert? /我们能订音乐会的票吗?/ Can I book a ticket for the football  match? / 我能订一张足球赛的票吗?

2. To ask the price, use: How much . . .? / How much . . . ? or What price . . .? / What price . .  . ? e.g. How much are the tickets? / How much are the tickets?要问价格,用:How much . . .? /  . . .多少钱 ? 或者What price . . .? /  . .  . 的价格是多少? 例如: How much are the tickets? /票是多少钱?

