集中注意力并不是一件很容易的事情,尤其是处在当前这个充满诱惑和纷扰的世界里。下面是继续告诉大家一些有帮助的方法:10. Turn off extra inputs. 屏蔽扰乱你注意力的东西。These are IM and email for me, but we all have our Achi...
集中注意力并不是一件很容易的事情,尤其是处在当前这个充满诱惑和纷扰的世界里。下面是继续告诉大家一些有帮助的方法:7. Plan your day to the T. 计划到细节。 If you’re finding sporadic periods of laziness through...
Focus is something of a novelty these days. We’ve got cellphones for texting and calls, IM, Twitter, Email, RSS feeds, Facebook, Myspace the lis...
Focus is something of a novelty these days. We’ve got cellphones for texting and calls, IM, Twitter, Email, RSS feeds, Facebook, Myspace the lis...
你知道如何建立自己的远景规划吗?下面十个问题可以助你一臂之力。Getting Started开始干吧Are you ready to begin building a vision for your desired professional destination? Brown-Volkman re...
Do you have a vision for your career?你对事业有远景规划吗?While some people may get lucky and just happen to wind up on the road to success, others do not, and ...
Researching a company can only tell you so much about how your experience would be if you made the transition from candidate to employee. But there ar...
Researching a company can only tell you so much about how your experience would be if you made the transition from candidate to employee. But there ar...
A meltdown at work could result in probation, suspension and ultimately termination, so work to resolve issues.工作中的情绪崩溃可能导致留用察看、停职,甚至离职,所以一定得把问题解决。本文为...
工作场合太随意,可能会让你或你的同事感到不舒服。该怎么解决呢?下面就为您提供一些技巧。How to solve the problem如何解决过于随意”的问题If your office is too casual for comfort -- either your own or yo...