Everyone is equal before the law.法律面前人人平等。Everyone's right to life shall be protected by law.每个人的生命权利都应受到法律保护。First in time, first in right.先在权利优先...
The company has complied with the court order.公司履行了法院的命令。The company has fulfilled all the terms of the agreement.公司已经履行了全部协议中的条款。The company intends ...
Jurisdiction determines which court system should properly adjudicate a case.管辖权决定了什么样的法院体系适合审判某一类案件。Questions of jurisdiction also arise regarding qu...
Being sovereign and equal to others, a state has certain rights and corresponding duties.作为独立、平等的主权国家,既享有某些权利,也承担相应的义务。Both sides claimed the other si...
In regard to negligence, think of duty broadly as an obligation to protect the safety of others.在论及过失时,应当视责任为广义的保护他人安全的义务。Involuntary manslaughter can...
The customs formalities for the exportation of the following cargo have been duly completed.下列货物的出关手续已经正式结清。The Customs Bureau accepts certain foreign...
Each partner is viewed as the other's agent.每个合伙人都被视为是其他合伙人的代理人。Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business.每个合伙人都可以...
origin n. 缘由,起因,起源,血统出身original n. 原物,原文,来源,起因 a.最初的,最早的,原始的,独创的original certificate 原始证书,原始凭证original document 原本,原始文件original domicile 本籍地,原籍,原住所ori...
grant n. 同意,准许,许可household n.家庭,家庭组合illegal a. 非法illegal alien 非法移民illegitimate a. 不合法的illegitimate children 非婚生子女immigrant n. 移民,侨民immigrant a. 移民的,侨...
deny v. 否认;否定;拒绝,拒绝给予department n. 部门;司,局Department of Justice (the) 司法部Department of Labor (the) 劳工部Department of Health and human Services (the) 公共健...