Torts vs. Crimes(侵权与犯罪)原文:Simply stated, a tort is a wrong. It is a private wrong (civil as opposed to criminal) resulting from a breach of a legal du...
英文原文:14.2 UndertakingsThe Vendors undertake (for the benefit of the Purchaser, the Company, [the Subsidiaries] and the Purchaser's successors in t...
如所周知,法律上的第三人”其英语译名不是the third person”而是the third party”。那么,现代法制文学”下第三者文学”分支中的主人公(当然还有主人婆)即第三者”,译英语该怎样表达呢?有同志也把上述第三...
神法 divine law神权说 theory of divine right审查制度 censorship; inspection system审计监督 supervise through auditing审计监督权 power to supervise through auditing生效条款 ...
无效法律行为 void act; act without legal effect物权 property西塞罗 Marcus Tullius Cicero习惯法custom law细则 detailed rules and regulations; details by-laws狭义解释 narro...
社会规范 social regulation社会连带主义法学 social solidarism jurisprudence社会契约论 theory of social contract社会团体:social organization社会主义法学 socialist jurisprudence社会主...
民事案件中占有优势证据”的原则 by a preponderance of evidence” in civil cases民事权利能力:the capacity for civil rights民事权益:civil rights and interests民事诉讼法学 Ci...
君主立宪制度 constitutional monarchy开罗会议 Cairo Conference凯恩斯主义 keynesianism可撤销的法律行为 revocable juristic act可让与性 alienability可用法律强制执行的 enforceable at law可预见的 ...
精彩专题:起个好听的英文名2006北京迷笛音乐节现场实况视频高度民主 high level of democracy高度自治权 high degree of autonomy高级法官 senior judge高级法院superior court高级人民法院 Higher People‘s...
法学会 law society法学教科书 law textbooks法学理论 theory of law; legal theory法学权威 an academic authority in law法学士 bachelor of law法学体系 system of jurisprudence法学通...