

分类: 外贸英语 

1. 郑州天泉大酒店        Day spring hotel of Zhengzhou

2. 龙门大酒店            Hotel of Longmen

3. 巩义市宾馆            Hotel of Gongyi

4. 欧亚大酒店            Hotel of Eurasia

5. 中都饭店              Hotel of China

6. 郑州生茂饭店          Grow the luxuriant hotel in Zhengzhou

7. 河南民航大酒店        Hotel of civil aviation of Henan

8. 济源雅士达酒店        The refined scholar in Jiyuan reaches hotels

9. 河南民航大酒店(郑州)   Hotel of civil aviation of Henan (Zhengzhou)

10. 中州皇冠宾馆         Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou


1. 金赋大酒店           Jin composes the hotel

2. 金源酒店             Hotels of gold source

3. 圣得拉大酒店         So holy as to draw the hotel

4. 湘汇大酒店           Gather together the hotel in Hunan

5. 泰天大酒店           Hotel on safe day

6. 金帝大酒店           Gold emperor's hotel

7. 陋圆宾馆             Plain round hotel

8. 长岛饭店             Hotel of Changdao Island

9. 巨州酒店             Huge state hotels

10. 麓山宾馆            Mountain hotel in the hillfoot

