
Dealing with Complaints 处理投诉

分类: 外贸英语 
347.What is your hurry?


348.I'm sorry to burst in on you like this, but I'm really upset.


349.What on earth has happened to trouble you so?


350. I'm afraid I have bad news for you.


351.The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided.


352.You agreed that we could make a little change in design if necessary.


353.Our clients are very critical on quality.


354.What do you want us to do?


355.Our clients want a replacement.


356. It's a  bit  too  hard.


357. It's only the background color that's not identical.


358. If you agree to give us an allowance of 6%  of the invoice value, I'll try to talk our clients into accepting the goods.


359. It sounds like a reasonable solution.


360.You are saying you turn on the computer and see nothing?


361.I would say that you have a larger problem than just the monitor.


362.Whatever it is, I need this computer to work.


363. Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at?


364. If not, our repairman can come to you.


365.I would prefer if he comes here.


366.Our first bill came yesterday, and we have same questions.


367. I sure hope I can answer them for you.


368.It does appear that way.


369.Let me do some research on this and get back with you tomorrow.


Dialogue A

(Mr. Smith comes to make complaints and Miss Lin, the secretary, receives him. )

(A: Miss Lin; B: Mr. Smith)

A: Good morning, Mr. Smith. What is your hurry?

B: Oh, I'm sorry to burst in on you like this, but I'm really upset.

A: What on earth has happened trouble you so?

B: I'm afraid I have bad news for you. The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided. They' re different in design and color.

A: But you agreed that we could make a little change in design if necessary.

B: Anyhow, the background color is a shade too dark. Our clients are very critical on quality.

A: It's usually not always possible to have exactly the same shade of color. Well, what do you want us to do?

B: Our clients want a replacement.

A: It's a bit too hard. After all, our sweaters are very similar to the sample. It's only the background color that's not identical.

B: Well, if you agree to give us an allowance of 6% of the invoice value, I'll try to talk our clients into accepting the goods.

A: It sounds like a reasonable solution.

Dialogue B

(A: Miss Liu, the secretary of the computer sales company;  B: a customer)

A: Good  morning, sir. Can I help you?

B: I'd like to speak to  the manager, please.

A: Our manager has been out. What can I do for you?

B: Yesterday I bought a computer from your company, but it doesn't work today.

A: So you are saying you turn on the computer and see nothing?

B: Yes. The computer is on, but nothing shows on the screen.

A: From the sound of it, I would say that you have a larger problem than just the monitor. It can be anything inside the computer.

B: Well, whatever it is, I need this computer to work.

A: Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at? If not, out repairman can come to you.

B: I would prefer if he comes here.

A: No problem. Where are you located?

Dialogue C

A: Hi. How are things going with you and with the service?

B: Well, not so good. Our first bill yesterday, and we have some questions.

A: Well, I sure hope I can answer them for you. What's the problem?

B: See here, on the bill, we were billed for the same service call twice.

A: Yes, it does appear that way. Let me do some research on this and get back with you tomorrow.

B: OK. We will be expecting your call.

Notes 注释

1.What's your hurry?



Why are you in such a hurry?

2.on earth 究竟,到底;世界上。表示“究竟,到底”的意思时,用于what, when, where 等之后,加强语气。

如:When on earth did you come?


Where on earth have you been?


There are countless rivers and lakes on earth.


3. I'd like to speak to the manager, please.


4. background color 底色

5.be similar to…与……相似

Gold is similar to brass in color.


6.See here, on the bill, we were billed for the same service call twice.


7. The computer is on, but nothing shows on the screen.


8. It can be anything inside the computer.


9. Is there any way you could… 你有没有办法……

10.Where are you located?


11.How are things going with you and with the service?


12. I sure hope I can answer them for you.


13.We will be expecting your call.


Words and Expressions

woolen sweater                             羊毛衫

deliver/ di'liv+/                              v. 交付,传达

sample/ s$mpl/                              n. 样品

shade/ Meid/                                 n. 阴影部分,暗色

critical/ 'kritik+l/                            a. 苛求的

replacement/ ri'pleism+nt/               n. 替换

similar/ 'simil+/                              a. 相似的

identical/ ai'dentik+l/                      a. 完全相同的

allowance/ +'lau+ns/                      n. 折扣

invoice/ 'inv&is/                             n. 发票

stain/ stein/                                   v. 弄脏

n. 污点

assume/ +'sju: m/                          v. 认为;假设,假定

receipt/ ri'si: t/                               n. 收据

shop assistant                               营业员,店员

