

分类: 求职英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 



We spend our precious wages on beauty treatments that help us look presentable for the office.

但研究者称,那些想要申请“男性”职位的女性实在无需为此而烦恼。 But according to researchers, if a woman is applying for a ' masculine' job, she really needn't have bothered.

Although being pretty will help those applying for secretarial jobs, for other roles in which appearance is deemed unimportant, attractive women are actually less likely to be recruited.

In job categories like director of security, hardware salesperson, prison guard and tow truck driver, attractive women were overlooked. In each of these jobs appearance was perceived to be unimportant.

科罗拉多大学丹佛分校商学院首席研究员Stefanie Johnson教授称:“在这些行业中,出色的外貌往往对女性极度不利。”
Lead researcher Professor Stefanie Johnson, from University of Colorado Denver Business School, said: 'In these professions being attractive was highly detrimental to women. '

But the research, published in the Journal of Social Psychology, found beautiful people still enjoy a significant edge on the whole.

They tend to get higher salaries, better performance evaluations, higher levels of admission to college, better voter ratings when running for public office and more favourable judgments in trials.

But in one narrow aspect of life, beauty can be a hindrance, something researchers have called the 'beauty is beastly' effect.

'In every other kind of job, attractive women were preferred. This wasn’t the case with men which shows that there is still a double standard when it comes to gender.'

Handsome men are always at an advantage and never discriminated against.

Professor Johnson said: 'One could argue that, under certain conditions, physical appearance may be a legitimate basis for hiring. In jobs involving face-to-face client contact, such as sales, more physically attractive applicants could conceivably perform better than those who are less attractive.

'However, it is important that if physical attractiveness is weighed equally for men and women to avoid discrimination against women.'

相关词汇 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

conceivably 令人信服地
deem 认为, 相信
detrimental 有害的, 不利的
hindrance 障碍,妨碍,阻碍
legitimate 合情合理的
presentable 像样的,中看的
recruit 雇用,聘请
wage 工资

