

分类: 法律英语 


第一条 为维护网络著作权,规范互联网从业者行为,促进网络信息资源开发利用,推动互联网信息行业发展,制定本公约。

第二条 公约成员应当认真学习和自觉遵守与互联网有关的版权法律法规,增强版权保护意识,大力弘扬中华民族优秀文化传统和社会主义精神文明的道德准则,积极推动职业道德建设。

第三条 公约成员应该加强沟通和合作,共同研究和探讨我国互联网版权保护措施,提出相关的政策建议和立法建议。

第四条 公约成员应当积极采取有效的技术措施和管理措施,保护权利人的权利。

第五条 公约成员应该鼓励、支持、保护依法进行的公平、有序的竞争,反对不正当竞争。

第六条 公约成员应当自觉接受社会各界的监督和批评,共同抵制和纠正行业不正之风。

第七条 中国互联网协会网络版权联盟(“联盟”)是本公约的执行机构,负责组织公约的宣传和实施。

第八条 联盟负责组织公约成员学习网络版权管理的相关法律法规和政策,组织交流网络版权相关行业信息,代表公约成员与政府主管部门进行沟通,反映公约成员的意愿和要求,切实维护公约成员的正当权益,积极推动和实施互联网行业自律,并对成员遵守本公约的情况进行督促检查。

第九条 本公约成员违反公约的,任何单位和个人均有权向联盟进行检举,由联盟进行调查,并将调查结果向全体成员公布。公约成员违反本公约,造成不良影响,经查证属实的,由联盟视不同情况给予内部通报或取消公约成员资格的处理。

第十条 本公约的所有成员均有权对联盟执行本公约的合法性和公正性进行监督,有权向联盟的主管部门检举联盟或其工作成员违反本公约及相关工作制度的行为。

第十一条 联盟设立秘书处,根据公约成员授权受理“通知”和“反通知”,具体办法另行规定。

第十二条 联盟建立网络版权纠纷调解中心,负责公约成员之间网络版权纠纷的调解,具体办法另行规定。

第十三条 联盟设计和申请本公约的统一标识,并制订具体使用办法。本公约成员均有权按照使用办法使用公约的统一标识。

第十四条 凡接受本公约的互联网内容服务提供者和网络服务提供者,均可以申请加入本公约。本公约成员也可以退出本公约,并通知公约执行机构。公约执行机构定期公布加入和退出本公约的成员名单。

第十五条 本公约由中国互联网协会网络版权联盟向社会公布,从公布之日起接受签约,签约成员达到20名时本公约生效。

第十六条 本公约生效期间,经公约执行机构或本公约十分之一成员提议,并经三分之二以上成员同意,可以对本公约进行修改。

第十七条 本公约由中国互联网协会网络版权联盟负责解释。


Self-disciplinary Convention on the Network Copyright on the Internet of China

Promulgation date: 09-03-2005

Effective date: 09-03-2005

(September 3, 2005)

Article 1 This Convention is formulated in order to maintain the network copyright, regulate the acts of practitioners on the internet, promote the exploitation and utilization of network information resources and promote the development of internet information industry.

Article 2 The members to this Convention shall seriously study and voluntarily observe the copyright laws and regulations concerning the internet, strengthen the copyright protection consciousness, energetically carry forward the excellent cultural traditions of the Chinese nation and the moral code of socialist spiritual civilization, and actively promote the occupational moral construction.

Article 3 The members to this Convention shall strengthen the communication and cooperation, jointly study and discuss the internet copyright protection measures of our country, and present the relevant policy-related suggestions and legislation suggestions.

Article 4 The members to this Convention shall actively take effective technical measures and administrative measures to protect the rights of obligee.

Article 5 The members to this Convention shall encourage, support and protect the lawful, fair and orderly competition, and fight against the unfair competition.

Article 6 The members to this Convention shall voluntarily subject themselves to the supervision and criticism of the general public, and shall jointly resist and rectify the malpractices in the industry.

Article 7 The Network Copyright Alliance of the Internet Society of China (hereinafter referred to as the Alliance) shall be the executive body of this Convention, and shall be responsible for organizing the publicity and implementation of this Convention.

Article 8 The Alliance shall be responsible for organizing the members to this Convention to study the laws, regulations and policies relating to the network copyright administration and organizing the communication of industrial information relating to the network copyright, and shall represent the members to this Convention to communicate with the competent department of the government, reflect their wills and requests, practically maintain their justifiable rights and interests, actively promote and implement the self-discipline of the internet industry, and shall supervise, urge and inspect the members to obey this Convention.

Article 9 In case a member to this Convention violates this Convention, any entity or individual has the right to report it to the Alliance, which should investigate it and publicize the investigation conclusion to all the members. In case any member to this Convention violates this Convention and causes unfavorable influences upon verification, the Alliance shall give an internal circulation of criticism or cancel his membership upon the strength of different circumstances.

Article 10 All the members to this Convention have the right to supervise the legality and justness of the Alliance's implementation of this Convention, and have the right to report to the competent department in charge of the Alliance if the Alliance or any of its functionaries violates this Convention or the relevant working rules.

Article 11 The Alliance shall establish a secretariat, which should accept “notices” and “counter-notices” according to the authorization of the members to this Convention, and the specific measures thereof shall be separately formulated.

Article 12 The Alliance shall establish a mediation center of network copyright disputes to be responsible for the mediation of network copyright disputes between the members to this Convention, and the specific measures thereof shall be separately formulated.

Article 13 The Alliance shall design and apply for a uniform mark for this Convention, and formulate specific measures for the use. The members to this Convention have the right to use the uniform mark of this Convention according to the measures for the use.

Article 14 Any internet service provider or network service provider that is willing to be subject to this Convention may apply for joining this Convention. Any member to this Convention may drop out of this Convention and shall notify the executive body of this Convention of this. The executive body of this Convention shall regularly publicize the name list of members that join or drop out of this Convention.

Article 15 This Convention shall be publicized to the general public by the Network Copyright Alliance of the Internet Society of China, and shall accept the contracting as of the day of promulgation. And this Convention shall come into force when there are twenty contracting members.

Article 16 After taking effect, this Convention may be altered if it is proposed by the executive body of this Convention or 1/10 of the members to this Convention and is approved by 2/3 or more of the members to this Convention.

Article 17 The power to interpret this Convention shall remain with the Network Copyright Alliance of the Internet Society of China

