英文法律词典 T-20
TESTATUM, conveyancing. That part of a deed which commences with the words "this indenture witnesseth."
TESTE, practice. The teste of a writ is the concluding clause, commencing with the word witness, &c.
2. The act of congress of May 8, 1792, 1 Story's Laws U. S. 257, directs that all writs and process issuing from the supreme or a circuit court, shall bear teste of the chief justice of the supreme court, or if that office be vacant, of the associate justice next in precedence; and that all writs or process issuing from a district court, shall hear teste of the judge of such court, or, if the said office be vacant, of the clerk thereof. Vide Serg. Const. Law, Index, h. t.; 20 Vin. Ab. 262; Steph. Plead. 25.
TESTES. Witnesses.
TO TESTIFY. To give evidence according to law; the examination of a witness who declares his knowledge of facts.
TESTIMONIAL PROOF, civ. law. This word is used in the same sense as we use parol evidence, and, in contradistinction to literal proof, which is written evidence.
TESTIMONY, evidence. The statement made by a witness under oath or affirmation. Vide Bill to perpetuate testimony.
TESTMOIGNE. This is an old and barbarous French word, signifying in the old books, evidence. Com. Dig. h. t.