One day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition – If I Am a Manager.All the students began to write except a boy. The teach...
George comes from school on the first of September."George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother."I didn't like her...
"Help! Doctor! Please come quickly! My ten-year-old son has just swallowed a pen!""Ok, I'll be right there. I'll be there in 10...
A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world. One evening, she was giving her s...
Things Have Been Okay一切都正常A young couple were becoming anxious about their four-year-old son, who had not yet talked.一对年轻夫妇有个儿子,已经四岁了,还没有开口说话,他们对此深感焦虑...
A boy begs his father to get him a Christmas tree this year.一个孩子求他爸爸,说能不能今年为家里准备一棵圣诞树Each year, the boy asks and the father tells him, "I don'...
Who was fighting?谁在打架?Mother: Freddie, why is your face so red?Freddie: I was running up the street to stop a fight.Mother: That's a very nice thi...
Professor: When is your birthday?Kid: May 30.Professor: Which year?Kid: Every year.教授:你的生日是什么时候?孩子:5月30日。教授:哪一年?孩子:每年都是。...
On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it. The smallest girl in the cla...
Before the final examination, Tom told his mother, "Mom, I had a dream last night that I'd passed today's exam.""Don't trus...