爱思英语编者按:爱情是世界上最让人头痛的难题,也是最吸引人的迷。在快餐文化盛行的21世纪,如何让两性关系保鲜又持久是人们探寻的重点。看看下文恋爱十宗罪,你犯了哪一宗?10 Ways We Hurt Our Romantic RelationshipsIt's not easy to have...
Lobster has always be one of those extravagant meals which few people ever try because of the high cost. With restaurants paying thirty dollars a poun...
Take a page from Eastern wisdomMeditation, martial arts that focus on disciplining the mind as well as the body, and chi-releasing massage and yoga ca...
爱思英语编者按:你是否觉得每天都忙忙碌碌、疲于奔命却发现没有时间做自己想做的事?你是否觉得每天就像和时间赛跑,却没有时间体会生命的美好?如果是这样,这篇文章会告诉你如何才能不匆忙,却拥有快乐的、高质量的工作和生活。"Nature does not hurry, yet everything...
爱思英语编者按:很多毕业生都争相涌向大城市,可是大家是否考虑过都市(metropolis) 生活的压力?下文对几个国内大城市的压力进行评估,希望能给你提个醒!The biggest cities in China are pressure cookers for youth starting out...
Refuel tempted to skip meals and pull late nights when you feel the heat at your work? Both could lead to burnout. Get six to eight hours of sleep and...
My dearest Grandma, I will never forgetyou & sorry that I was not there withyou when you passed.Grandma...I can't believe The last kiss,The last “...
24EN Editor's Note:As parents it's our responsibility to teach, guide and encourage our kids. If we do our job right they go on to become resp...
爱思英语编者按:尽管G20峰会(summit)已经在韩国首尔落幕,但期间在奥巴马召开的一场记者会上,中央电视台记者芮成钢因抢问”与奥巴马进行的短暂 过招”,代表门”事件也成为网友热议话题。November 12, 2010, The G20 Summit in K...