It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. 你以什么谋生我不...
To Risk 冒险To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.To reach out for another is to risk involvement.To expose feel...
Would you know my name if I saw you in heavenWould it be the same if I saw you in heavenI must be strong and carry onCause I know I don't belong h...
Dear Dad,Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or...
As the sun rose over the horizon, I went out to enjoy the beauty of the grassland scenery. On the way, I saw a pair of red flowers blooming. They had ...
Love is more thicker than forget,More thinner than recall,More seldom than a wave is wetMore frequent than to fail爱比遗忘厚,比回忆薄,比潮湿的波浪还稀奇,比失败更频繁。It is mo...
Look not in my eyes, for fear They mirror true the sight I see,And there you find your face too clearAnd love it and be lost like me,One the long nigh...
一个高三男生自杀了, 他从5楼宿舍的窗户跳了下去, 原因竟然是因为他母亲对他的怀疑。A senior high school student committed suicide by jumping from the windows on the fifth floor. The reason wa...
【中文】慈母手中线, 游子身上衣。 临行密密缝, 意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心, 报得三春晖。【英文】A Song of the Travelling SonA thread in a mother's loving hand,Makes up the clothes for her trave...
Regret can be a terrible addiction. Those who suffer from it so often become bitter and full of self-pity.后悔是一件很可怕的东西, 它会让人上瘾. 那些经常感到后悔的人会变得更加悲天悯人, 自顾...