by Larry Levis The brow of a horse in that moment when The horse is drinking water so deeply from a trough It seems to inhale the water, is holy. I re...
by John Hollander No more walks in the wood: The trees have all been cut Down, and where once they stood Not even a wagon rut Appears along the path L...
by José Lezama Lima (Translated by Nathaniel Tarn) An obscure meadow lures me, her fast, close-fitting lawns revolve in me, sleep on my balcony...
by Timothy Liu whistles past hacked-down fields of corn, heading towards a boy who whittles an effigy of himself. We go on sleeping through sirens and...
by Jupitor Hammon Salvation comes by Christ alone, The only Son of God; Redemption now to every one, That love his holy Word. Dear Jesus, we would fly...
by Wanda Coleman boooooooo. spooky ripplings of icy waves. this umpteenth time she returns——this invisible woman long on haunting short on...
by Wanda Coleman after Lowell our mothers wrung hell and hardtack from row and boll. fenced others' gardens with bones of lovers. embarking from A...
by Christina Rossetti I plucked pink blossoms from mine apple-tree And wore them all that evening in my hair: Then in due season when I went to see I ...
by John Greenleaf Whittier No time is this for hands long overworn To task their strength; and (unto Him be praise Who giveth quietness!) the stress a...
by Lawrence Ferlinghetti To summarize the past by theft and allusion With a parasong a palimpsest A manuscreed writ over A graph of consciousness at b...