i remember,i remember,the house where i was born,the little window where the suncame peeping in at morn;he never came a wink too soon,nor brought too ...
The Night Before Christmas‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the houseNot a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;The stocking...
My Father's Music我父亲的音乐by Wayne Kalyn韦恩•凯林I remember the day Dad first lugged the heavy accordion up our front stoop, taxing his small frame....
A Faraway Friend is someone you grew up with or went to school with or lived in the same town as until one of you moved away. Without a Faraway Friend...
Of Regiment of Health 论养生There is a wisdom in this, beyond the rules of physic: a man's own observation, what he finds good of, and what he finds ...
西式幽默Western Humour冯骥才Feng Jicai学院请来一位洋教师,长得挺怪,红脸,金发,连鬓大胡须,有几根胡子一直逾过面颊,挨近鼻子,他个子足有二米,每迸屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击,叫人误以为他进门先鞠躬,这不太讲究礼貌了吗?Our institute employed an...
小麻雀A Little Sparrow老舍Lao She雨后,院里来了个麻雀,刚长全了羽毛。它在院里跳,有时飞一下,不过是由地上飞到花盆沿上,或由花盆上飞下来。看它这么飞了两三次,我看出来:它并不会飞得再高一些。,它的左翅的几根长翎拧在一处,有一根特别的长,似乎要脱落下来。As soon as th...
落花生The Peanut许地山Xu Dishan我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然称们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。”我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园;过不了几个月,居然收获了! At the back of...
荷塘月色Moonlight over the Lotus Pond朱自清Zhu Ziqing这几天心里颇不宁睁。今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。月亮渐渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑,已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。我悄悄地披了...
黄龙奇观A View of Huanglong在四川西部,有一美妙的去处。它背倚峨山宇峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。One of Sichuan's finest scenic spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon) , ...