Chapter 23The Letter‘And now,’ said Poirot, ‘we will go out to lunch.’He put his hand through my arm. He was smiling at me.&ls...
Chapter 22Strange Behaviour of Hercule PoirotWe were in our rooms.‘What on earth –’ I began.Poirot stopped me with a gesture more ex...
Chapter 21Ronald’s StoryI found it hard to understand Poirot’s attitude. Surely this was what he had predicted all along?All the way to Re...
Chapter 20The Taxi-DriverWe found Japp interrogating an old man with a ragged moustache and spectacles. He had a hoarse self-pitying voice.‘Ah! ...
Chapter 19A Great LadyThe visit that we received on the following morning was to my mind one of the most surprising things about the whole affair.I wa...
Chapter 18The Other ManI do not propose to describe either the inquest on Lord Edgware or that on Carlotta Adams. In Carlotta’s case the verdict...
Chapter 17The ButlerThe following day was one of inactivity for us, and activity for Japp. He came round to see us about teatime.He was red and wrathf...
Chapter 16Mainly DiscussionWhen we got home we found Japp waiting for us.‘Thought I’d just call round and have a chat with you before turn...
Chapter 15Sir Montagu CornerIt was about ten o’clock when we reached Sir Montagu Corner’s house on the river at Chiswick. It was a big hou...
Chapter 14Five Questions‘Why did you ask Miss Carroll about the possibility of Lord Edgware’s wanting to marry again?’ I asked with ...