3Come in here a minute, Satterthwaite, will you?”Sir Charles poked his head out of the door.An hour and a half had passed. To confusion had succ...
2The principal interest of Mr. Satterthwaite’s life was people. He was on the whole more interested in women than men. For a manly man, Mr. Satt...
1Mr. Satterthwaite sat on the terrace of Crow’s Nest” and watched his host, Sir Charles Cartwright, climbing up the path from the sea. Cro...
Chapter 31A Human DocumentA day or two after that I was suddenly recalled to the Argentine. So it happened that I never saw Jane Wilkinson again and o...
Chapter 30The StoryHe looked round at us.‘Come, my friends,’ he said gently. ‘Let me tell you the real story of what happened that n...
Chapter 29Poirot SpeaksIt fell to me to ring up Inspector Japp the following morning.His voice sounded rather depressed. ‘Oh! it’s you, Ca...
Chapter 27Concerning Pince-NezA minute later his mood had changed. He sprang to his feet.I also sprang to mine – completely uncomprehending but ...
Chapter 26Paris?A few minutes later we were jumping into a taxi.Poirot’s face was very grave.‘I am afraid, Hastings,’ he said. &lsqu...
Chapter 25A Luncheon PartyIt was, I think, on the day after that that we went to the Widburns’ luncheon party at Claridge’s.Neither Poirot...
Chapter 24News From ParisOn the following day we had an unexpected visit.Geraldine Marsh was announced.I felt sorry for her as Poirot greeted her and ...