Chapter 1 The Science of DeductionSherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantel- piece and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocc...
Chapter 14 The ConclusionWE had all been warned to appear before the magistrates upon the Thursday; but when the Thursday came there was no occasion f...
Chapter 13 A Continuation Of The Reminiscences Of John WatsonOUR prisoner's furious resistance did not apparently indicate any ferocity in his dis...
Chapter 9 The Flower Of UtahTHIS is not the place to commemorate the trials and privations endured by the immigrant Mormons before they came to their ...
Chapter 10 John Ferrier Talks With The ProphetTHREE weeks had passed since Jefferson Hope and his comrades had departed from Salt Lake City. John Ferr...
Chapter 11 A Flight For LifeON the morning which followed his interview with the Mormon Prophet, John Ferrier went in to Salt Lake City, and having fo...
Chapter 12 The Avenging AngelsALL night their course lay through intricate defiles and over irregular and rock-strewn paths. More than once they lost ...
Chapter 8 On The Great Alkali PlainIN the central portion of the great North American Continent there lies an arid and repulsive desert, which for man...
Chapter 7 Light In The DarknessTHE intelligence with which Lestrade greeted us was so momentous and so unexpected, that we were all three fairly dumfo...
Chapter 6 Tobias Gregson Shows What He Can DoTHE papers next day were full of the "Brixton Mystery," as they termed it. Each had a long acco...