Chapter 19I went to see him again."What's your religion about?" I asked.His eyes lit up. "It is about the Beloved," he replied...
Chapter 18Islam followed right behind, hardly a year later. I was fifteen years old and I was exploring my hometown. The Muslim quarter wasn't far...
Chapter 17First wonder goes deepest; wonder after that fits in the impression made by the first. I owe to Hinduism the original landscape of my religi...
Chapter 16We are all born like Catholics, aren't we - in limbo, without religion, until some figure introduces us to God? After that meeting the m...
Chapter 15His house is a temple. In the entrance hall hangs a framed picture of Ganesha, he of the elephant head. He sits facing out-rosy-coloured, po...
Chapter 14It is interesting to note that the lion that is the most amenable to the circus trainer's tricks is the one with the lowest social stand...
Chapter 13So you see, if you fall into a lion's pit, the reason the lion will tear you to pieces is not because it's hungry - be assured, zoo ...
Chapter 12At times he gets agitated. It's nothing I say (I say very little). It's his own story that does it. Memory is an ocean and he bobs o...
Chapter 11Consider the case of the female black leopard that escaped from the Zurich Zoo in the winter of 1933. She was new to the zoo and seemed to g...
Chapter 10Yet there will always be animals that seek to escape from zoos. Animals that are kept in unsuitable enclosures are the most obvious example....