Chapter 28 POIROT PLAYS THE SQUIRRELPoirot started to keep his dinner appointment with a margin of three quarters of an hour to spare. He had an objec...
Chapter 29 A LETTER FROM HOME"Dear Katherine,"Living among grand friends as you are doing now, I don't suppose you will care to hear any...
Chapter 34 THE BLUE TRAIN AGAIN'The millionaire's train,' as it is sometimes called, swung round a curve of line at what seemed a dangerou...
Chapter 30 MISS VINER GIVES JUDGMENTKatherine looked out of Miss Viner's bedroom window. It was raining, not violently, but with a quiet, well-bre...
Chapter 31 MR AARONS LUNCHES"Ah!" said Mr Joseph Aarons appreciatively.He took a long draught from his tankard, set it down with a sigh, wip...
Chapter 32 KATHERINE AND POIROT COMPARE NOTES"You have changed, Mademoiselle," said Poirot suddenly. He and Katherine were seated opposite e...
Chapter 33 A NEW THEORY"Monsieur Poirot wants to see you, sir.""Damn the fellow!" said Van Aldin.Knighton remained sympathetically...
Chapter 35 EXPLANATIONS"Explanations?"Poirot smiled. He was sitting opposite the millionaire at a luncheon table in the latter's private...
Chapter 36 BY THE SEAThe mimosa was nearly over. The scent of it in the air was faintly unpleasant. There were pink geraniums twining along thebalustr...
Chapter 1 – The Majestic HotelNo seaside town in the south of England is, I think, as attractive as St Loo. It is well named the Queen of Wateri...