Chapter 18 DEREK LUNCHESDerek Kettering went straight to the Negresco, where he ordered a couple of cocktails and disposed of them rapidly; then he st...
Chapter 19 AN UNEXPECTED VISITORThe Comte de la Roche had just finished déjeuner, consisting of an omelette fines herbes, an entrec?te Bearnais...
Chapter 26 A WARNING"And so it is," said Poirot, "that we are the good friends and have no secrets from each other."Katherine turn...
Chapter 20 KATHERINE MAKES A FRIENDOn the following morning Katherine and Lenox were sitting on the terrace of the Villa Marguerite. Something in the ...
Chapter 21 AT THE TENNISSeveral days had elapsed. Katherine had been for a walk by herself one morning, and came back to find Lenox grinning at her ex...
Chapter 22 M. PAPOPOULOS AT BREAKFASTM. Papopolous was at breakfast. Opposite him sat his daughter, Zia.There was a knock at the sitting-room door, an...
Chapter 23 A NEW THEORYIt was exactly eleven o'clock when Poirot presented himself at Van Aldin's hotel. He found the millionaire alone."...
Chapter 24 POIROT GIVES ADVICEIt took the millionaire some few minutes to take the thing in. He stared at Poirot as though dumbfounded. The little Bel...
Chapter 25 DEFIANCEAs Derek Kettering passed the car, Mirelle leant out."Dereek - I must speak to you for a moment -"But, lifting his hat, D...
Chapter 27 INTERVIEW WITH MIRELLEWhen Knighton left Katherine he went in search of Hercule Poirot, whom he found in the Rooms, jauntily placing the mi...