Elizabeth lay on the sofa in the Lackersteen's drawing-room, with her feet up and a cushion behind her head, reading Michael Arlen's These Cha...
The morning sunlight slanted up the maidan and struck, yellow as goldleaf, against the white face of the bungalow. Four black- purple crows swooped do...
In spite of the whisky he had drunk at the Club, Flory had little sleep that night. The pariah curs were baying the moon--it was only a quarter full a...
Flory lay asleep, naked except for black Shan trousers, upon his sweat-damp bed. He had been idling all day. He spent approximately three weeks of eve...
Flory turned to the left outside the Club gate and started down the bazaar road, under the shade of the peepul trees. A hundred yards away there was a...
At about the time when U Po Kyin began his morning's business, 'Mr Porley' the timber merchant and friend of Dr Veraswami, was leaving his...
U Po Kyin, Sub-divisional Magistrate of Kyauktada, in Upper Burma, was sitting in his veranda. It was only half past eight, but the month was April, a...
The Chestnut Tree was almost empty. A ray of sunlight slanting through a window fell on dusty table-tops. It was the lonely hour of fifteen. A tinny m...
At each stage of his imprisonment he had known, or seemed to know, whereabouts he was in the windowless building. Possibly there were slight differenc...
He was much better. He was growing fatter and stronger every day, if it was proper to speak of days.The white light and the humming sound were the sam...