

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 17

    Flory did not see Elizabeth again until he went down to the Club after dinner. He had not, as he might have done, sought her out and demanded an expla...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 16

    The vultures in the big pyinkado trees by the cemetery flapped from their dung-whitened branches, steadied themselves on the wing, and climbed by vast...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 15

    When Flory arrived at the Club he found the Lackersteens in an unusually morose mood. Mrs Lackersteen was sitting, as usual, in the best place under t...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 14

    Like long curved needles threading through embroidery, the two canoes that carried Flory and Elizabeth threaded their way up the creek that led inland...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 13

    As Flory came through the gate of the hospital compound four ragged sweepers passed him, carrying some dead coolie, wrapped in sackcloth, to a foot-de...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 12

    In the sticky, sleepy heat of the living-room, almost dark because of the beaded curtain, U Po Kyin was marching slowly up and down, boasting. From ti...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 11

    Flory and Elizabeth walked down the bazaar road. It was morning, but the air was so hot that to walk in it was like wading through a torrid sea. Strin...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 10

    But as a matter of fact, Ko S'la's alarm was premature. After knowing Elizabeth for ten days, Flory was scarcely more intimate with her than o...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 9

    During the next fortnight a great deal happened.The feud between U Po Kyin and Dr Veraswami was now in full swing. The whole town was divided into two...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 8

    That evening Flory told Ko S'la to send for the barber--he was the only barber in the town, an Indian, and he made a living by shaving the Indian ...

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