Last month I went back to my parent's home in Britain on a vacation.上个月,我放假的时候回了一趟我爸妈在英国的家。On the flight back, I couldn't help but thinking ab...
Reading is not just about learning a certain skill.读书,不光是去学习一门特定的技能。Nor is it just about learning how to create prettier combination of words.也不只是为了学习...
There will never be anyone else like you in the future of the universe. That's why being yourself is more important than anything else.宇宙中再不会有一个人和...
This world is made of one after another ordinary person.这个世界是由一个又一个普通人组成的。We live in such a world. So we have to constantly communicate with different...
Many so-called life coacheswill tell you that: if a man loves a woman, he should spend as much money as possible on her withouthesitation.很多所谓的心灵导师都说:...
Logan recently recalled a sentence from a book he had read.罗根最近回想起来的一句他曾在书里读到的话。Do not use your malice tospeculateon the world’s love.不要用你的恶意去揣测世界的爱心。...
First of all, please think about this question first: Do you have any of these 3 habits?首先,请你想一想,你有没有这3个习惯:1. You tend to motivate yourself in negativ...
Every now and then, someone tries to make a case for objective beauty – the notion that there is a quasi-scientific way to judge whether something is ...
For most people, graduation is an exciting day - the culmination of years of hard work. My graduation day... was not.对于大多数人而言,毕业那天是让人兴奋——多年的苦读结束了。而我的毕...
Someone once told me that neverunderestimateanyone who doesn't lose temper.有人曾经对我说:永远不要小看一个不发脾气的人。This kind of people usually possess great capaci...