你也许只是觉得今年的冬天比往年暖和了一点,但实际上全球变暖的危害远远超出你的想象。全球变暖会摧毁珊瑚礁,导致生物灭绝,造成农作物歉收,如今新研究发现,全球变暖还会导致早产和婴幼儿肥胖,并降低怀孕率。The climate crisis is damaging the health of foetus...
美国一项研究显示,全球气温上升可能会导致肾结石病例的增加,如果温室气体排放继续保持目前的速度,肾结石病例将增加2.2%至3.9%。Climate change in the coming decades could lead to an increase in cases of kidney sto...
In New Zealand, southern right whales were hunted to near extinction about a century ago. Since that time, the population has slowly recovered.在新西兰,南露...
These underwater meadows of seagrass provide a vital habitat, teeming with wildlife.这一片片水下的海草地提供了一个重要的栖息地,野生动植物生长繁盛。And it's where you can find th...
Naseer was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year.今年早些时候,纳赛尔被诊断出患有前列腺癌。Naseer JadalizadehI wanted it to get rid of it, and that is the basis...
行星猎人下一代凌日搜索计划(The Planet Hunters Next-Generation Transit Survey )” 正在招募志愿者在线参与太空观测,安坐家中就能当 天文学家”。该项目正在向公众寻求帮助,查看五年来拍摄到的天空中最亮恒星的数字影像。Queen&...
由于人类活动和气候变化导致森林退化,世界上最受保护的森林中已有十处成为净碳排放源。There are 257 forests with Unesco World Heritage status. They cover an area twice the size of Germany and are...
英格兰遗产委员会( English Heritage )发现,巨石阵当年的建造者吃过甜食,包括采来的水果和坚果。Researchers already knew that the builders of the monument, which dates back to 2,500 BC, had ...
波士顿大学的一项研究显示,接种新冠疫苗不会影响一对夫妇的受孕几率,但是感染新冠病毒可能会损害男性的生育能力。研究人员对2000多对夫妇进行了研究得出此结论。该研究驳斥了关于疫苗的普遍误解,并向拒绝接种疫苗的男性发出提醒。Getting vaccinated against Covid-19 won&...
研究发现,贫穷不仅会影响孩子的学业成绩和未来收入,还会改变宝宝的大脑活动水平,而且这种改变在宝宝出生的第一年就开始发生了。Putting cash in the hands of mothers can help shape the brains of their babies, according...